So, my parents came by, the other day, with this picture of my Dad when he was 7.
As we looked at it, we were pretty amazed at just how much he looked like Baby Monkey.
In fact, when we showed Baby the picture, we asked “Who does this look like?”
His immediate response?
So, I’ve been scouring my pictures, trying to find one in a similar pose (because we all know if you ask a 6 year old to pose a certain way, it won’t ever be quite right) and the best I could do was this one.
Different pose, same face.
It may be more of a moment to moment thing, but my Dad’s face, in the above picture, is the exact replica of Baby Monkey in so very many moments throughout the course of a day.
I love it.
You expect kids to look like their parents, but not often do they throw back to their grandparents, and it’s pretty darn cool.
So, I guess Baby has a pretty good idea what he’ll look like when he’s older, and I think he’s pretty lucky.
Daily Gratitude, Day 4
As much as I’ve dreamed of moving far, far away, over the years, today I am grateful that we live so close to our children’s grandparents. My children get to see at least one of their grandparents every single day and that is such a wonderful thing for them. One set of my grandparents lived in Ohio and I only got to see them two to three times a year and I missed them terribly. One might think that seeing their grandparents so often would make the grandparents seem common and unexciting, but the yells and jumping that happens when the grandparents come over shows that my monkeys are just as thrilled to see their grandparents walk in the door whether they saw them the day before or two months before.
We too have seen the “genetic link” skip a generation. When Skylar was a baby we lined up my baby photo next to hers and could not tell the difference either :0) Of course she is way cuter and hopefully her future height will spread out those “extras” I have struggled with over the years! We feel so blessed to get to see her frequently every week. These times have enriched our lives with such joy that our hearts just overflow with love. I never had that with either set of grandmothers so I am soaking it in as much as possible.
Comment by Carla — November 4, 2012 @ 6:08 pm |
Skylar is a beautiful little girl! Just like her grandma!
I know Heather feels so grateful to have you so close and to play such a large part in Skylar’s life!
Comment by abozza — November 4, 2012 @ 6:18 pm |