1. What do you give teachers for gifts?
Our school district has an Educational Foundation and one of the fundraisers is the Teacher Tribute program. You donate money in the name of a teacher, and the teacher gets a little card saying that money has been donated in their name and with a little note from the family. The money goes directly back into the schools through grants from the foundation. As a teacher, I can attest that it is a wonderful gift, knowing that the money is going back to the schools.
2. Do you text? One finger texter or total pro?
Total pro.
I’m a great texter and an excellent typist. I chalk it up to being a pianist.
3. Do you give back during the holidays? If so, in what way/which is your favorite charity?
We try to give back all year.
Some charities that are constants with us are the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, Alzheimer’s Association of America, and some others.
This year, we are also doing what we can for the victims of Hurricane Sandy, with donations of money, food, clothes, books, and whatever else they need.
I think that if you have even a little, you should be willing to share with those who have less.
Because there is always someone with less.
4. If you would’ve been the sole winner of the 575+ million dollar Powerball jackpot, what would you have done with all that money?
Put aside enough money for all 4 kids to go through college.
Paid off the house and Real Man’s Jeep and bought myself a new car.
Given some to our families.
Invested some.
Put some in the bank.
Donated a bunch to the different charities above.
Helped to rebuild the Jersey Shore.
Finally taken these kids to DisneyWorld and Universal Studios in Florida.
5. This week, question number five comes from the woman who hosts Five Question Friday, and from whom I get the questions each week. Please read and consider her request. If you don’t pray, then just spread the word and think positive thoughts. “Will you please take just a moment to spread the word and pray about my friend’s missing family members? There still is no news, and I can’t imagine their pain and worry. Facebook prayer page: Prayers for Trista, Shy and Matt“