1. I have been watching Parenthood in the past few weeks.
Friends had suggested it ages ago and I just never got around to it.
So, I DVR’d the season premiere and have been hooked ever since.
If you want an honest, bold show about family relationships, this is it.
2. I wonder if DVR will ever become a verb.
Like when I said, above, I DVR’d Parenthood.
Maybe in the slang dictionary.
Maybe if we all use it, we can get it to happen.
Like when Kim would go into bars and order the Rose Kennedy, which wasn’t really a drink, but she would pretend like it was, and tell them how to make it, in the hopes that it would eventually become a drink that bartenders all knew about.
Or, maybe not.
Because most people just say “recorded.”
3. On Saturday, Baby Monkey and Monkey Girl had friends over.
And, as always, I told them ahead of time to stick to their own parts of the house and not bother each other.
I just always have visions of them screaming “Mom! Tell them to leave us alone!”
But, just like always, they all wound up playing together anyway.

They played Sardines, a backward version of hide-and-seek, for quite some time, and then did their own thing, then came back together again for some more play.
I don’t know why I worry, except my memories from childhood of girlfriends who had brothers involved a lot of yelling “MOM! Make him leave us alone!”
My friends with sisters?
That didn’t really happen.
Erin and I used to play with her sister, Kristin, quite a lot.
Anyway, Monkey in the Middle eventually came home and I found myself thinking, “Wow…6 kids isn’t so bad!”
And then I dove back into the endless pile of laundry I was doing and thanked my lucky stars that I only have four.
4. It’s candle season.

When it starts getting colder outside and darker earlier, it’s time to start lighting my candles.
I light them in the summer, as well, but not as often, and they just don’t have the same effect.
I find that low lights and candles make for a quieter home, as well.
It’s as if the low lighting makes the monkeys more…reverential?
Remember the experiment I did with eating dinner by candlelight?
Same premise.
It’s just another reason why I love this time of year.
As if I needed any more.
5. These shopping carts?

A lot more fun in theory than in practice.
You need a commercial truckers license to wield one of these suckers around the store.