Saturday was beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful.
And in between the appreciation of just how lovely Saturday was, Monkey Girl and I hit our church Bazaar and scored 23 books for $5.25, a bracelet for $2, and the obligatory apple pie.
To say Monkey Girl likes pie is like saying Hugh Hefner likes girls.
She’s a fan.
Our afternoon was spent at Monkey in the Middle’s last football game of the season, which they won, beautifully.
MITM threw a gorgeous touchdown pass, and he also caught a pass from his cousin and ran for a touchdown.
It was a good game for him.
After the game, we all went our separate ways.
Real Man and MITM headed to the team party and Monkey Girl left with Grandpa to go work at a church seniors dinner.
So, it was just me and my two littlest guys.
I told Baby we could head wherever he wanted to head for dinner.
His gourmet pick?
We haven’t been there in quite sometime, so off to McDonald’s we headed.
He chatted and chatted and chatted the entire car ride, the entire meal, the entire walk to Walmart to pick up Madagascar 3 from the Redbox kiosk, and all the way home.
He was absolutely delightful.
He talked about what would happen if a tornado struck McDonald’s while we sat there and his plan to save Tiny was priceless.
He talked about which is his favorite local park and then ranked about ten of them, explaining that a park has to have at least two slides in order to even be considered for his top 10.
A tire swing puts a park immediately in contention for Spot #1.
He talked about how black is his new favorite color (it’s been orange for the past four years…black is new) and the reason that he loves black is because he feels like it’s awesome that it’s a combination of everything.
He talked about how, when Tiny grows up, he’s going to teach him how to tie his shoes, ride a bike, make his bed, and do the dishes.
When I reminded him that he doesn’t actually do any of that stuff, he said with a straight face, “Just because I don’t do it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to.”
Touché, little man. Touché.
When we got home, we were going to snuggle on the couch and watch Madagascar 3, but he decided to wait until MITM came home from his party, and instead, we played with Tiny and chatted some more.
He’s a great date.
I love that kid, and it breaks my heart, sometimes, that he is so quiet in public, because I feel like the rest of the world is totally missing out on his awesomeness, however, he has a Dad who is pretty quiet in public, as well, and is the most awesome person I know, so I know where he got it.
He’s a great kid.
I was looking back through old photos on my phone, and I figured I’d end the post with one of my favorites.
Just kind of embodies what a loving little soul he is.
So sweet !! Boys as tough as they are sometimes, are such mushes !! I love it !!
Comment by allison — October 22, 2012 @ 7:51 am |
Total mushes.
Comment by abozza — October 22, 2012 @ 10:48 am |
That picture is just priceless Amy, just priceless. What a wonderful Saturday.
Comment by Debbie — October 22, 2012 @ 10:37 am |
Thanks, Debbie! It’s one of my favorites.
Comment by abozza — October 22, 2012 @ 10:48 am |
Such a sweet post. I love that he is such a loving little soul. What a cutie!!
Comment by Jocelyn Pascall — October 23, 2012 @ 2:27 am |
Thank you! A loving little soul is an excellent way to describe him!
Comment by abozza — October 23, 2012 @ 5:50 am |