1. Where do you hide junk when people come over?
We don’t have a lot of “junk,” but I do move the piles of papers into a Rubbermaid drawer system that I got specifically for that purpose.
Everything else has a home and just gets put in it’s home.
2. Do political ads help you decide who you are going to vote for?
And, quite frankly, I’d be shocked if I heard that they help anyone decide on their vote.
They spend the majority of their time bashing the other guy.
I don’t want to hear what you think the other guy did wrong.
I want to know what you are going to do right.
In detail.
And I’ve never seen a political ad that does that.
3. What’s your favorite holiday party to host?
I’d have to say Thanksgiving.
Why, you ask?
Because of the leftovers.
That’s right.
I base my decisions on food.
4. You go to an island with your husband and can only take one personal item. What is it?
My inhaler.
But, let’s assume that I don’t have asthma.
Other than that…really can’t think of a darn thing I’d need.
I like talking to him more than talking to anyone else, and despite the fact that we’ve known each other for over 23 years, we haven’t run out of things to talk about yet.
I am so grateful to all of my readers, but let’s face it, if I was on an island with my husband, my priority may not be blogging, and I think we could all take a break from the news, so we wouldn’t need any electronics.
If it was pre-children, we could scrap the phone, as well, but if we were on vacation and the kids were with someone, I’d need that phone so I’d know they were okay.
So, pre-kids, just the sunblock.
Sunblock and I’d break the rules and also bring the phone.
5. If you found out your spouse was a Dexter style serial killer (only kills people to save others) would you rat?
I’ve never seen Dexter, (yes, there IS a television show I don’t watch) so I don’t really know exactly how the whole thing works, but if Real Man was killing bad people, I don’t know what I’d do.
How could I have someone in my home, with my children, who goes out and kills people?
And, is just leaving with the kids an option? Would that make him think of me as a bad person and make me a target?
It’s more than a little ridiculous to even consider this question because I’ve never met a gentler soul than Real Man, but it definitely makes my brain work a little more than usual on a Five Question Friday question.
And maybe that’s why I’m having such a difficult time with the question because it’s unfathomable to me to be in that situation.
So, end result?
I have no idea.
I think I probably would, but it would break my heart.
Or, maybe I wouldn’t.
I don’t know.
LOL, that last question really is a tough one….I’m not sure if I would either, maybe not since he’s only killing bad people but I’m not sure! I’m just glad its not something I really need to think about
Comment by gsrey12 — October 19, 2012 @ 10:01 am |
That’s how I feel…but then, who is to decide who is a “bad” person? Such a tricky question!
Comment by abozza — October 19, 2012 @ 11:33 am |
Can we adjust the question a little?
What if Real Man became a vigilante killer of child molesters? Assume a molester was known to have hurt children and destroyed them forever, but got off on a technicality. If RM took it upon himself to remove them from the land of the living – how would you view it then?
I have to say – I have a different spin on that one.
Comment by Carla Corcoran — October 19, 2012 @ 12:53 pm |
I agree…that definitely puts it in a different light for me.
Comment by abozza — October 20, 2012 @ 9:50 am |
Hi! I found your blog from the 5QF linkup! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday to host too, also because of the food
I liked your facebook page, and I”m looking forward to staying in touch there!
I hope you’ll stop by my space and say Hi! I’ve got two giveaways running right now and I’d love for you to enter!
Comment by lacey — October 19, 2012 @ 2:43 pm |
I’m heading to your blog right now! So glad you stopped by and hope you stay!
Comment by abozza — October 19, 2012 @ 3:05 pm |
I love Thanksgiving leftovers! They don’t last long enough around our house though…
Comment by joyh82Oy — October 19, 2012 @ 2:53 pm |
LOL…I don’t think they last long at anyone’s house!
Comment by abozza — October 19, 2012 @ 3:06 pm |
I love leftovers even if it isn’t thanksgiving.
Comment by Judy Loeffler — October 19, 2012 @ 3:56 pm |
I love them when there is enough to make another dinner out of it. Anything that can get me out of cooking is good with me.
Comment by abozza — October 19, 2012 @ 4:20 pm |