The other day, I blogged about the coming of fall and how excited I was for that season.
That was all absolutely true.
However, in this last week of summer vacation, I’ve fallen into a funk.
I’ve been doing school work and am really excited about some new things I’m going to try this year.
The kids have gone supply shopping and we’ve done a bit of Back-to-School shopping, which is always exciting.
And yet…
I’m depressed.
From what I read on Facebook, parents everywhere are shuttling their kids to the bus stop and waving a hearty goodbye as they get on the bus and go to school.
Yet, I’m sad for the summer to end and for the kids to go back to school.
I’ve had a great time being with these four little people, and I’m not saying that these other parents didn’t…I just don’t want it to end.
We’ve fought and bickered, sure. Today, in fact, Monkey in the Middle and Baby Monkey are spending a nice portion of the day in their rooms for fighting.
But, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
I’m tired and don’t want to do anything this week.
I just want to go to sleep and avoid the reality of the end of summer and maybe when I wake up, it will be July 1st and we can do it all over again.
I’m fighting it. Definitely fighting the good fight.
Real Man and I got a lot of work done this weekend and I’ve got my week scheduled with other projects and things that need to be done, along with two days of workshops at school, so I’m not going to let myself check out.
But, it’s hard.
I know that once we all have our first days, I’ll be fine.
I’ll miss them like crazy, but I’ll be fine.
I’ve just got a week to get through before I get to that point, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a tough one.
‘Cuz I’m in a funk.
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