My Real Life

August 9, 2012

Under the Boardwalk

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

…or on top of the boardwalk, if you are going with kids, I guess.

We hit the boardwalk last night.

Yes, the Seaside Boardwalk, but there was no sign of Snooki or JWoww or the new crew.

Thank goodness.

We spent the early part of the day at the water park with our cousins.

The kids had a blast.

No pictures, because really…where would you store your camera?

So, you’ll have to trust me.

It was fun.

Then, to the boardwalk.

There were rides.

There was exploring.

There was danger.

Our lives were in our hands at some points.

Baby suffered an ear injury on the bumper cars.

Three hours after the bumper cars, he was also still complaining that his heart hurt, so I’m guessing he also hit his chest.

Then, there was the Log Flume of Death.

I went on with Monkey in the Middle.

When we came down the first hill, we jerked around a bit, but we were smiling and laughing.

When we hit the water after coming down the second, larger hill, my body came off of my seat, and my chest slammed into Monkey in the Middle’s head, crushing his head into the hard padding in front of him.

I thought, for sure, when we both fell back that his nose must have broken, but his head had twisted as my chest hit it, and he was fine.

He was actually laughing, so I laughed, also.

However, it feels like I cracked my sternum, and I’m typing this 6 hours after it happened.


A lot.

There were also frights to be had.

Baby Monkey had been talking about the Haunted House since he went, last year, with his godfather, Uncle Daniel.

This year, I got to go with him.

Here was his face before.

I don’t have an after picture, but trust me when I tell you, it wasn’t that happy.

He’s already said “Um…I don’t think anyone needs to take me on that next year.”

Pizza helped.

And, as always, we have the picture from the boardwalk where we pretend like we’re taking a family photo, but really, we’re capturing some strange boardwalk dweller.

Two years ago, it was the dead psychic.

Last year, it was the woman with the ice pack in her dress that was falling off her body.

This year?

Aw, how cute!

Tiny and Real Man off to the left.



What’s that off to the right?

Oh, it’s just a guy, hanging off of the “No Smoking” sign.


And that’s how we do the boardwalk.


  1. How’s everyone doing after all the minor injuries from last night? And that last pic, totally burns my butt. I won’t hop up on my soap box but it really does burn my butt 😉

    Comment by myliladventures — August 9, 2012 @ 5:41 pm | Reply

    • Baby is fine, however, I think I may have actually cracked my sternum, for real. Having a very hard time picking up Tiny or doing anything weight bearing, like using my arms to push myself out of a beach chair, etc. I’ll survive. I almost didn’t pretend to take a pic of Real Man and just blatantly take a pic of Smoky Smokerson and if he asked, say “‘Cuz you’re an idiot…that’s why!”

      Comment by abozza — August 9, 2012 @ 9:23 pm | Reply

      • How sweet that would’ve been! But no one knows whats going on in his head and heaven forbid he snapped and went bonkers right?

        Maybe you should get yourself checked out ‘just in case’?

        Comment by myliladventures — August 10, 2012 @ 10:21 am

      • At the medical center now.

        Comment by abozza — August 10, 2012 @ 2:15 pm

  2. […] Okay, so I am going to cheat a little today.  Here is a post from my darling SIL who beautifully covered our day: […]

    Pingback by A “shore” thing « Why we yell — August 10, 2012 @ 11:17 am | Reply

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