My Real Life

July 21, 2012

Things I Miss

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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When I went to college, I had a Macintosh Color Classic computer.

I loved that thing.

Anyway, it was basically a word processor, but over time, I was able to get games for it.

One of my favorites was “Scarab of Ra.”

I loved that game.

It wasn’t particularly taxing, but it was a great game when I just wanted to relax and not really think too hard.

I’ve tried to find it, in the years since, but can’t seem to find a version to download.

I found one, and it told me I had to also get this other program to open it, but neither worked, so I deleted both.  Quickly.

I miss Scarab of Ra.


When I was a little, little kid, I had a Halloween album.

I loved this album.

Erin knows.  She listened to it with me.

I listened to this album, even when I wasn’t a little kid anymore.

I listened to this album, when I was a teenager, sometimes.

Reminded me of childhood.

My parents moved when I was in college, and when they did, the movers stole some of our things, including albums, and they also left our belongings in a leaky moving truck, overnight, outside, in a rainstorm.

Many, many things were completely ruined.

I don’t remember if this album was stolen or ruined, as I was in college, but the end result was that it was gone when I came home for Christmas that year.


Almost as devastating as the fact that my Shaun Cassidy album was also gone.

But, that’s another story.

So, I have been looking for a copy of this album ever since.

No luck.

I’d even be happy with getting the songs online, but the most I’ve found is four of the songs.


I miss my Halloween album.


My old roommate, Nita.

I’m not sure why, but I’ve been thinking a lot about her, recently, and I’m wondering how she’s doing.

When I graduated from college, I came home for awhile, and then decided I needed my own place.

I fell into a great deal…renting a house from the county with two roommates.

Large house, mature roommates, Nita and Mike, who both had jobs and responsibilities.

Mike lived downstairs and Nita and I had rooms upstairs.

We spent a lot of time just talking and laughing and just hanging.

I moved out when Real Man and I got married, a few years later, and Nita and Mike came to the wedding, but we lost touch over the years.

Now, I’m trying to find her, but haven’t met with any luck.

However, it appears as though I’ve found her in North Carolina.

Unfortunately, I found her mother’s obituary online, and in the obituary, found Nita and her 7 brothers and sisters listed, along with their cities.

Then, I went to and looked her up, and it appears as though she is living with her sister.

That’s it, though.  I have an address, but no other information.

Not on Facebook, not on Twitter, can’t find an email address online.

So, I’m going to have to reach out to her the old fashioned way.

Write her a letter.

And hope that it’s her.


When I moved home, after college, I brought my Macintosh Color Classic with me.

It was 1994 and it was the early, early stages of social networking.

When I went to college in 1990, there was barely email.  I certainly didn’t know anything about it.

By the last few months of my senior year, in 1994, Real Man and I were emailing each other…me from my dorm room, he from the computer lab at Rutgers.

I believe I had an AOL account, but I wanted something a little more.

So, I signed up for eWorld.

It was a Mac users online community and it was so cool.

It was like a smaller AOL, just for Mac users.

It was so cool.

Visually, it was colorful and pleasing to look at.

It wasn’t overstimulating, it was easy to use, and had everything.

Until it was cancelled in 1996.

And that stunk.


in 2001, there was a TV show called “Mystery in Small Town X.

It was part reality show, part drama, part mystery.

I really, really enjoyed it.

The premise was all a bit complicated, so please feel free to click the Wikipedia link above to read about it.

I think what I liked so much about it was that you could try to solve the mystery as you watched the show.

The sad part was that the winner of the show was a NYC firefighter who was killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks, about a week after the finale of the show aired.

Very, very sad.

Still, it was a great show and I wish they would do something similar again.



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