My Real Life

July 2, 2012

Monday Musings

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

-You may remember that all of the monkeys were born in February.  That is also when we had their birthday parties.  I just sent out their thank you’s last week.  Now working on the Thank-You’s from Monkey in the Middle’s First Communion in May.

-Tiny’s car seat is the gift that keeps on giving, as far as he’s concerned.  There are Cheerios stuck in every nook and cranny of that seat, and I actually use those Cheerios to bribe him to let me clip him in when we are leaving somewhere he doesn’t want to leave.  I say, “OOh!  Cheerios!” and he gets excited, and I extract one from a fold in the carseat.  He’s thrilled, I clip in fast, and we’re on our way.  I should actually clean it out, but…no.

-In the summer, if I wasn’t going anywhere that anyone would see me, I’d happily wear the same clothes every single day.  No laundry and I’m not really that sweaty, so eh.

-As I write this, Baby Monkey has had fruit for breakfast, lunch and snacks for the past 4 days.  He has whatever I make for dinner, but the rest of the day, and for dessert, he chooses fruit.  I realize, as far as things a 6 year old could be choosing to eat, fruit is a good thing, but there should probably be some variety in his day.  The way I figure, though, is that at least he won’t get scurvy.

-Real Man gets up, every morning, weekday or weekend, around 5:30 and goes for a long walk through the neighborhood or on the nearby path system.  I miss him when he goes (I’d love to go too, but you know…4 little monkeys in the house and all) but his spot is never empty for long.  Monkey in the Middle usually hears him leave and comes right in to snuggle.  It is really, really nice time spent with a little guy who is never still during waking hours.  We whisper and talk about what we’ll be doing that day, and just spend some nice Mommy/Monkey time together.  One of my favorite parts of the day.

-There’s an ecard for everything, it seems, and sometimes, it can get to be too much.  But, sometimes, I can’t help myself and they make me laugh and laugh and laugh.  I thought I’d share a few I stumbled across the other day:


  1. Sometimes, if no one important has seen me, I wear the same outfit the next day….Oh, there’s an e-card for that too!

    Comment by thismummaslife — July 6, 2012 @ 11:15 pm | Reply

    • Ahahahaha! The ecard is so funny!

      Comment by abozza — July 7, 2012 @ 3:41 pm | Reply

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