My Real Life

July 1, 2012

Article on Clutter

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

As I’ve mentioned, I’m spending a good portion of my summer days decluttering and purging.

My house looks better, but most importantly, I feel better.

In fact, I think we all feel better.

I found this article on clutter and the psychology behind it, and I’d definitely encourage you all to read it.

Makes a good case for getting the lead out and getting rid of what is weighing you down.

Open space can only be a good thing.

It’s funny, when I read the article, I thought about Real Man.

He had his tonsils and his uvula taken out about a month ago, and since then, he has so much more energy, sleeps beautifully (they were taken out due to apnea) and just seems happier.

So, there is certainly body clutter, as well, and the psychology of decluttering can apply to weight loss and, apparently, tonsillectomies. 🙂

(Okay, that’s a stretch, but you see what I’m saying.)

Anything extra we hold on to, holds us back, weighs us down, stops us from achieving.

So, read the article, and see what ways you can get rid of what is weighing you down, and commit to change.




  1. Amy – so true. We must by in sync. I’ve spent a good part of this weekend getting rid of stuff. While it doesn’t look like I’ve made a ton of progress on my office, I’ve actually cleared out two full boxes of paper and I’m not done. I love my office, but haven’t worked in it because it’s so cluttered.


    Comment by ouractsofkindness — July 1, 2012 @ 5:21 pm | Reply

  2. I can attest to clutter being stressful – and I know as far as clutter goes, our house is on the low end of the scale. Unfortunately we have small rooms, so that amplifies the effect!

    Comment by Daniel Bozza — July 2, 2012 @ 7:52 am | Reply

  3. I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin recently, in which she makes changes in a different area of her life each month for 12 months. She chose January to kick off with de-cluttering, and she repeatedly throughout the book references that as having a direct impact on improving her overall happiness through the next 11 months. It is something I struggle to do, but I know would improve my quality of life immensely!

    Comment by thismummaslife — July 6, 2012 @ 11:21 pm | Reply

    • It always makes me feel better. Just got home from vacation, and need to get everything put away, otherwise, it makes me get a little tic. 🙂

      Comment by abozza — July 7, 2012 @ 3:18 pm | Reply

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