1. Me: Larry Hagman is really creepy looking these days.
Real Man: Yeah…being dead will do that to you.
2. We’re embroiled in a years-long debate, over here.
I believe that the first day of the week is Sunday.
Real Man believes that the first day of the week is Monday.
My thought is that calendars start on Sunday and I have always thought of Sunday as the start of my new week. Saturday night was the end and you could leave the old week behind.
Real Man does things like quote the Bible, “and he rested on the 7th day” and calls it Sunday, and talks about Saturday AND Sunday being the week end .
3. I love my children.
You know I do.
But once…just once…I’d like to be able to hear a favorite song on the radio all the way through without having to turn it down twenty times because someone needs to tell me something.
Just. Once.
4. I fell out of bed on Tuesday.
Our bed is kinda high and I was climbing in and reaching for something, and when I sat back, I misjudged just how “on” the bed I was.
Turns out, I wasn’t really on the bed at all.
I fell backwards and sideways, crashing and then scraping my back into and along the edge of my nightstand.
It hurt.
Monkey Girl and Baby Monkey came running saying “We heard a bad word and a thump and knew something bad had happened!”
I thought for sure I’d be aching the next day.
However, I’m surprisingly resilient for 40.
Yeah, me!
5. Graduation was Wednesday night.
It was awesome.
The kids did great and now they are gone and now I am sad and now I am missing them.
However, they are on to bigger and better things and I’m so excited for all that lies ahead of them!
The bad news is…
I think I have to retire my “graduation dress.”
I’ve worn this dress to every single graduation I have run since coming to the school, 8 years ago.
Except last year, because I was still carrying a lot of Tiny on my body, despite the fact he’d been OUT of my body for four months.
I’m back down to my fighting weight, but I think it’s safe to say that some parts of me will never be where they once were.
My graduation dress was actually purchased 13 years and four children ago, and I’ve got a different shape, these days.
Oh, I wore it, and I wore it well.
However, I couldn’t really make any large movements and stairs were a bit of an issue.
And, putting on my shoes?
Almost wore flip-flops.
So, I’m not giving it away or selling it, and if my hips finally realize I’m not birthin’ any more babies and decide to go back from whence they came, maybe I’ll bust it out again, but for now…into the back of the closet with you, my friend.
We had some good times.
6. I’d like to ask you to help my Real Man out and go vote for him in the “Mr. Wonderful-est” contest at My Little Life, a blog that I read frequently.
Please click this link, then find the link to “My Real Life” (that’s this blog, folks) and click on the “like” button (it’s link #9).
He’s totally Mr. Wonderful and I’d love for the rest of the world to know it, too!
(And to win him a $100 Visa gift card)
I’d surely appreciate it!
I gotta say, I’m in the Monday camp with your hubby.
Comment by thismummaslife — June 22, 2012 @ 10:37 am |
I’m in the minority on this one!
Comment by abozza — June 22, 2012 @ 10:48 am |
Re: Larry Hagman, it’s the eyebrows but he actually looks pretty good for 80
Re: Monday is my beginning of the week (btw, both are right)
Have a great weekend, no matter what day it starts or ends :-))
Comment by jacquelinawonders — June 22, 2012 @ 11:06 am |
LOL…there’s a commercial for Dallas where there is just this close up shot of his face and he slowly smiles. Completely creeps me out…hence the comment.
Enjoy your weekend!
Comment by abozza — June 22, 2012 @ 11:30 am |
[…] Amy recently posted about the debate of which day actually ends the week, Saturday or Sunday. Some people go by the calendar, while others prefer to start the week with the first day of work, and end it with a break. In this house, we have an interesting scenario, because Sunday nights are actually Jeramy’s first day back to work and he returns home early on Monday morning, and when I do work outside the home it is usually on a Saturday. […]
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