Today’s questions come from Heather and Jen. Heather and Jen were nice enough to create a list of questions for me to answer today, so thanks ladies, and on with the show!
1. The most important lesson I’d like to teach my children is___________.
To be kind.
I really just want them to be good people.
How we treat others is so very important, and I just want my children to be kind.
There is so much thoughtlessness in the world, I want them to be mindfully kind.
I don’t think people always are meaning to be unkind…I think they just don’t think hard enough to realize that kindness is a choice.
Makes me sad.
If everyone were more kind, the world would be so much different.
2. Which would be harder for you to hear…..the honest but difficult truth, or a nice but obvious bold faced lie?
Harder to hear?
The lie.
I’m pretty good at sniffing out lies, and I find lies to be the ultimate in disrespect.
So, if you are lying to my face, in my mind, you don’t respect me.
Always tell me the truth, even if you think it will hurt me.
I will appreciate that more than you could ever know.
3. At the end of your life what would you like people to remember you most for?
This goes hand-in-hand with Question #3.
I’d want people to remember me as a good person.
That would be enough for me.
4. Peas or spinach?
I love peas, but I hate spinach.
I know how good it is for you, but ick.
5. Fat and funny or skinny and no sense of humor?
Oh, fat and funny, as long as it was true humor and not self-deprecating funny.
I so appreciate a good sense of humor, and people who can make me laugh are always good with me.
Although, with my diabetes, it’s kind of important that I not be fat, so healthy-weighted and funny would be optimal for me.
6. What’s one place you really want to go, but need to use your kids as an excuse?
I really, really want to go to Harry Potter world at Universal Studios in Florida.
And, I don’t even bother using the kids as an excuse.
I just want to go.
However, it’s entirely helpful that the kids want to go, too.
7. Milk out your nose or sand in the bathing suit?
Milk out my nose.
It happens once, it burns, it usually happens because I’m laughing, and then I’m done.
Sand in the bathing suit is a tragedy that never really ends.
You find those grains of sand for DAYS afterward.
So, milk out my nose.
8. Truth or dare?
I’d take either.
Not afraid of dares and always willing to tell the truth.
And that’s the truth!
Wow the milk/sand one surprised me! I can STILL smell the milk in my nostrils from one of the two times it happened to me as a kid and I tell ya, it’s a memory that has lasted WAY longer than the sands of time in my suits. Lol. I’m picking sand any day of the week and twice on Sunday!
Comment by Heather — May 15, 2012 @ 7:46 am |
Too funny! I seriously find sand in strange places for days and days afterward. No fun. I’d much prefer turning into a milk faucet through my nose for 30 seconds.
Comment by abozza — May 15, 2012 @ 8:04 am |
Ohh…sand in the bathing suit.
When Jill went back to work after her three month maternity leave, I took off three weeks to spend with each of our kids. One of the things I did with Lily (our first) was go the beach for the day. I was determined not to lug a ton of stuff to the beach and I didn’t. I essentially brought the diaper bag (with sun block, food and diapers), a chair, two towels and one of those shade domes. After about an hour, I decided to take Lily down to the water. I dipped her feet into the water, she screamed and we headed back to the blankets, chair and sun dome. Before she was dry, she needed a diaper change. No big deal right? NOPE – That’s when I discovered first hand what a pain in the neck it is to change a diaper on the beach. Sand was quickly everywhere and since she was still a little wet, it stuck everywhere (EVERYWHERE!). I eventually got her changed and I thought I got all the sand off, but later realized that I hadn’t. Parts of her body that were supposed to be regular skin tone, took on the color of an over ripened Jersey Tomato.
That combined with Lily tossing her bottle onto the sand (to let me know she was done), made for a shorter than expected first day at the beach.
So I’m with you on the sand thing. I learned that while sand in the bathing suit is annoying for guys, it’s much worse for females (or at least little kids).
Another reason to take the kids to the mountains or woods!
Comment by ouractsofkindness — May 15, 2012 @ 9:34 am |
LOL…sand in the diaper is THE WORST!!! Boy or Girl!
Comment by abozza — May 15, 2012 @ 11:19 am |
there are lots of different cries that your children have. The one that represents sand in diaper is in a whole different category of shrill and pain
Comment by ouractsofkindness — May 15, 2012 @ 11:25 am
Comment by abozza — May 15, 2012 @ 11:43 am
I want to go to Harry Potter World too! And Legoland!
Comment by thismummaslife — May 16, 2012 @ 11:23 pm |
Maybe we’ll see you there!
Comment by abozza — May 17, 2012 @ 4:22 am |