I have a confession to make.
I guess, as far as confessions go, it’s not a huge confession, because it’s not much of a secret among those who know me, but after re-reading what I’ve already written, it does make me feel a little pathetic.
I love television.
I’m not a trendy TV watcher.
I know the big thing is reality tv, and EVERYONE is watching it, but it doesn’t hold much appeal for me.
I watch The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and the first few episodes of Dancing with the Stars.
I will admit to even watching the last season of Bachelor Pad.
I’m embarrassed by that one.
I give Big Brother a good ole’ college try each season, but usually am out two or three episodes in.
Overall, reality tv doesn’t do it for me.
I love shows with stories.
Shows that let me take a break from reality and get lost in the story of some fictional character.
Shows that are more like books than like real life.
It’s why I love movies and Broadway, as well.
It piques my imagination.
Normally, people can enjoy television and it’s not a problem.
I am not one of those people.
The problem lies in the fact that as much as I enjoy television, I enjoy being outside and playing with my kids more. I love tv, but have a hard time sitting and watching tv, because there are so many other things I could be doing, so, I record things and then they build up until I get the message that I don’t have any more memory left on the DVR and it’s time to either sit down and watch for three days, uninterrupted or start deleting.
Let me share with you what is currently on my DVR.
The Office
30 Rock
Modern Family
The Middle
Private Practice
New Girl
Desperate Housewives
The Mentalist
Rules of Engagement
Fairly Legal
Up All Night
Criminal Minds
Happy Endings
Breaking In
The Vampire Diaries
Gossip Girl
Once Upon a Time
Game of Thrones
In Plain Sight
Seriously. This is like digital hoarding. Someday, there will be a TLC show about me.
And I’ll DVR it.
So, it’s time to cut the proverbial fat, my friends. And I’m going to do it here, as I type, because I need to be held accountable.
First, we have the non-negotiables.
These are shows that I will not, under any circumstances delete or stop recording. They are just that good.
Modern Family, The Middle, Suburgatory, New Girl, and Happy Endings are the comedic non-negotiables.
I watch Modern Family and The Middle with Real Man, and we both enjoy them.
Suburgatory and Happy Endings I watch alone and they make me smile.
New Girl I watch alone (although Real Man seems to be in the room more and more when it’s on) and I laugh like a freaking hyena. Absolutely non-negotiable.
My non-negotiable dramas are: Unforgettable, Fairly Legal, In Plain Sight, Castle, Criminal Minds, Game of Thrones and Once Upon a Time.
Unforgettable and Once Upon a Time are shows I watch with Monkey Girl. We DVR Unforgettable and try to watch Once Upon a Time when it’s actually on. It’s like our Sunday night date.
Castle, Criminal Minds and Game of Thrones are shows I watch with Real Man. Castle: one of the smartest shows on television. Criminal Minds: just so enjoyable. Game of Thrones: satisfies the inner (and outer) geek in both of us.
Fairly Legal and In Plain Sight are cable shows that I really enjoy. I think cable shows are so witty and entertaining. In Plain Sight is ending this season…in fact, the episode I have DVR’d is the series finale, so I don’t feel badly about keeping this, since it will be no more. It’s okay, though, because over the summer, I love Necessary Roughness, another cable show, and that will take it’s place.
Now, I have some that can go immediately
Private Practice – used to watch, lost interest, tried to watch again, diligently recorded, don’t care. Gone.
NCIS – Love me some Leroy “Jethro” Gibbs and really love me some Agent DiNozzo. However, I’m not loving the show anymore and when it’s time to watch something, I never pick this. Buh-bye.
Desperate Housewives – I’ve never been a regular watcher, but it’s the final season and I love beginnings and goodbyes and so I tried. Unfortunately, I’m not loving the lives of the women on Wisteria Lane, so farewell, ladies. You had a good run. Just not with me.
Scandal, Awake, Touch, Bent, Breaking In – They all intrigued me when I saw the commercials. So, I recorded all the episodes. Never got around to them. Clearly, they didn’t intrigue me enough. See ya.
Gossip Girl and The Vampire Diaries – Deleted. But, I’m cheating. I love these shows that are 100% not made for people of my demographic profile. So, I watch them on my computer when I’m folding clothes. Gotta love cwtv.com
Grimm – I’m a big fan of the supernatural. In fact, Supernatural, is a show I used to record pretty regularly until I realized the stories were just being recycled. Love me some Sam and Dean, but how many times can they die and go to hell and come back and chat with God and Lucifer like they were high school football buddies? Grimm, despite it’s good intentions, also appears to be a one-trick pony. Guy is descended from the Grimm brothers and can see the creatures and is trying to do right by the world by getting rid of the evil beasties. I get it. I saw it. I’m good now.
GCB – I really, really enjoyed the first three episodes of this show. Then, I kinda lost it. It was a too passionate romance. We fell in love, burned like wildfire, and then petered out. No staying power. Sorry, GCB. You weren’t the one.
Up All Night – I will pretty much watch anything with Christina Applegate. I’ve always been a fan. Add Will Arnett and Maya Rudolph and you should have GOLD! Except, it also has one storyline and it’s played out. So, away it goes.
The rest are harder to deal with, as there are mixed feelings involved.
Relationships. They’re tough.
The Office. We’ve been together a long time. A very long time. But, it’s gone through some changes and I don’t think it’s weathered those changes very well. Steve Carrell…I miss ya, buddy. James Spader…You should have called it a day with Sex, Lies and Videotape.
30 Rock and Rules of Engagement. These are shows that Real Man and I watch together, but we don’t always keep up with them. We’ve missed episodes, here and there. 30 Rock is hysterical. Tina Fey is one of my favorite funny women. Genius. Alec Baldwin. Horrifying human being. Wonderful comedic actor. Rules of Engagement. Since his days as David Puddy, I’ve loved Patrick Warburton. Add David Spade and I’m good to go. However, neither Real Man nor I can stand Oliver Hudson’s wife in this show, and I’m not a great fan of Warburton’s wife, either. Get rid of the women and I’d love this show more.
We love House. I love Hugh Laurie and am absolutely intrigued/repulsed by/in love with Gregory House. He’s a train wreck and I can’t stop watching. I haven’t been totally loving this season. However, we keep taping and keep watching, albeit weeks and weeks after the original air dates. Tough call.
Bones and the Mentalist. Love Bones. Love David Boreanz. Angel was one of my favorite characters EVER and I’d watch anything with David Boreanz. However, I’m so backed up on this show, I haven’t even watched the one where she had the baby, yet. I’m on the fence. I love the Mentalist, as well. Just a good cast with good stories. Except…I really don’t like Robin Tunney as an actress. Nothing against her, personally…I’m sure she’s lovely. I just don’t quite gel with stuff she’s been in. And, she and Simon Baker don’t really have any chemistry, and I kinda miss that in a show. Eh…I don’t know.
Glee. Love to dance. Love to sing. Would have loved to have gone to a high school where it wouldn’t have been frowned upon to just burst into song at random times, and where I would have had a backup band whenever I did so. So, despite the almost painful-to-watch storylines this year, I keep watching. We’ll see if I give it another year.
Revenge. I’m digging this show. Seriously. But then Daniel got arrested and I haven’t watched any more episodes. Not sure why. I think I’m just wondering how they can keep this story going, and instead of watching and seeing, I’ve just kinda turned my back on it. I don’t know. Just don’t know.
And finally, Smash. I’ve recorded every episode of this show. Haven’t watched a one. Everyone says it’s a show that I would fall in love with. But, seriously…you’ve read this post…I just don’t think I have time for it. I’m kinda saving it for summer. We’ll see. It’s tempting just to delete them all and let them go.
So, there it is. While you’re all watching fashion reality shows or The Voice or American Idol, I’m watching (or recording) these things. Through this post, I’ve deleted quite a few, and I think I have a few more to go, but don’t judge me. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, but I like my television. And yet, I can give it up pretty easily, too. Erin and I didn’t turn on our tv once in Cancun, and get my nose in a good book and I’ll forget we even have a tv.
I’ll play outside, go for a hike, play a board game, or read a book; all before watching tv. But, when I do settle down for some tv time, I’m in for awhile. It’s my vice. Deal with it.
Sorry, but I have to weigh in, as I have the same affliction. And with a limit of taping two and watching one with a ton of shows seemingly to fit in the thurs night lineups, I have managed a few maneuvering events.
1. ABC, NBC, and FOX are On Demand. CBS is not. That means CBS favorites stay- the Mentalist- how do you leave until Red John is revealed?
2. Rules- it was great, but at one point the wife changed from being the smart one and is now just taking up perfectly good cerebral fluid. Ditch it.
3. House- love Hugh, but the pregnancy thing and all the other stuff. It got stupid. Reruns are on all the time. You can pick up several episodes whenever you want a ‘fix’.
4. Bones. Too much about baby and the charm has left. I find myself sleeping thru more of them without need to repeat.
5. Scandal, Awake- never saw them other than late / early mornings of no sleep- on demand.
6. Same as above. Looks like Bent is gone tho.
7. A suggestion. Person of Interest. Love it.
8. Never missed an episode of Survivor- NEVER.
9. You’re fired, Trump style. The Apprentice.
10. ABC Family also has Switched at Birth and a very disturbing show called The Secret Life of a Teenager Or something like that. Bad. Acting.
11. We still watched Two Men. It’s much better than it was right after Charlie left. Kathy Bates adds a certain twist. Skanky humor tho.
12. And Larry David cracks me up on Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO. Also On Demand. Old seasons, but funny crap.
And if it weren’t for the on demand shows, I don’t know what I would do between 2-530am.
Try it, you might like it. Takes pressure off from dvr messages and if you miss something, you don’t know about it.
Comment by Carla corcoran — May 8, 2012 @ 8:15 am |
1. Red John…absolutely. I do need to keep watching that one. I’m completely intrigued with that storyline.
7. We started with Person of Interest, but I kept falling asleep during it, so didn’t stick with it.
8. Watched the first two seasons of Survivor and loved them. Then, just kinda stopped watching. Not really sure why.
9. I’ve never liked The Apprentice. I’m just not business minded at all and it holds no allure, but almost all of my friends watch it.
11. I’ll give Two Men a try again. I wasn’t loving it in the early days of Ashton, but I loved it with Charile. If it’s improved, it may be worth a second look.
12. I do watch Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO Go on the iPad. Can watch current episodes. Love it. One of the funniest shows ever.
It’s funny…the kids watch On Demand stuff all the time. I should probably utilize it more often and give the DVR a rest!
Comment by abozza — May 8, 2012 @ 8:56 am |
Don’t get attached to Awake. It’s outta here!
Comment by Grandpa — May 8, 2012 @ 10:09 am |
Already deleted, Dad.
Comment by abozza — May 8, 2012 @ 10:26 am |
Don’t worry about House. The series is ending in something like 3 episodes and 2 episodes ago they gave Wilson cancer. This can’t play out well…
Comment by Bonnie — May 8, 2012 @ 2:28 pm |
I didn’t realize it was ending! I happened to watch the one with Wilson and House was giving him chemo at home and I was like, seriously? It’s a shame…it was so good, back in the day. I hate for something that could have gone out on a high note to go out on such a low one.
Comment by abozza — May 8, 2012 @ 2:47 pm |
Lets face it – House has jumped the shark. Go Fonzy!
Comment by Carla — May 8, 2012 @ 9:42 pm |