As I write this, there are 22 votes on the poll from Monday, yet there are 117 hits on the blog.
So, either, no one cares what I write about…they’ll read it anyway,
I get a lot of random hits during the day.
However, I was pretty surprised with the results of the poll, such as they were.
It appears as though the favorite regular feature, by a mile, is Five Question Friday.
And yet…
My numbers are always the lowest on Fridays.
So, although it seems to be the favorite regular feature, it is also the feature that gets the least amount of readers.
Not sure how to interpret that.
I do know that I get the most hits on Mondays and Thursdays, when I don’t run feature posts, so that could be telling me something, outside of the poll.
The least favorite feature is, apparently, Wordless Wednesday, and I gotta tell ya…that kills me.
Wordless Wednesday is like a day off without actually taking the day off.
I guess I should be flattered that people don’t love Wordless Wednesday, because maybe it means that they like to read what I write, and if there is no writing, they’d rather not bother.
My plan was to knock out the feature with the lowest numbers, but I’ll be honest..I need to think about that.
I kindaneed Wordless Wednesday.
And that’s the truth.
I love your blog and read it everyday, so if you write a technical manual, I’ll read it,
Comment by Dixie — March 20, 2012 @ 7:59 am |
LOLOL…:) Thanks, Dixie! Tomorrow’s post: How to Change Your Oil.
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 8:03 am |
I think you should write/or not write whatever you want. It’s your blog after all! I’m not surprised you only got 22 to respond to the poll. I actually think that’s pretty high. I can have four hundred people visit my blog in a day and only get 4 comments, so…the reality is that most people are silent readers. Don’t let it make you feel bad. That’s just how it is in blogland.
Comment by the domestic fringe — March 20, 2012 @ 8:46 am |
Ooh, I’d be thrilled to have four hundred visitors!
I guess I was just looking for some feedback to see what it is that people enjoy. I love to write, and don’t mind writing more of what people want to hear…I was just surprised that the poll responses didn’t match the data I get from hits. Nothing like a good data investigation! 
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 8:58 am |
I’m enjoying how they’re showing us what countries people come from…so fun!
Comment by the domestic fringe — March 20, 2012 @ 9:00 am
I had including the ClustrMaps awhile ago, and then tried a new format and when I went back to the old format, forgot to re-add the map! My kids LOVE it, and Monkey Girl reminded me last month about it, so I got it back!
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 9:30 am
Amy I know I came a few times yesterday to see what the poll results were so maybe others did that as well and that is the difference in the number of hits and the votes? I know I like the posts where there is writing about life in general. I like the questions posts but I want to read a little something so Wordless Wednesday is my least favorite. I do however understand why you like it. I would feel the same way if I were you. Lol. It’s your blog , you post what you want. I’m gonna pop everyday regardless anyways and I am sure everyone else will to.
Comment by Kim — March 20, 2012 @ 9:04 am |
Kim, Good point! I hadn’t thought of the fact that people might be popping back in to see the results!
Thanks for coming back every day!
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 9:29 am |
I think 22 is HUGE – take from a person that works with brands in all social media “venues”. Be proud of it! Also, I am a voter for 5 question Friday – I love it! Even after knowing you for (ahem) number of years, I still learn something about you every week. That said, I can’t always read it on the day that you post. There are some days that I read right away and others where I like to save up a few at a time, so don’t base our love for 5QF on your readership on Fridays.
I miss your words on wordless Wednesday – maybe do a clever caption for the photo or what you think someone is thinking in the photo so I get my word fix. Keep up the great work! xoxo
Comment by Kim — March 20, 2012 @ 10:20 am |
Thanks for the feedback, Kimmie! Good point about people catching up on different days than things are posted. Thanks, also, for the (ahem) in the number of years we’ve known each other.
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 10:38 am |
I commented on the voting post, but also keep in mind the wording of the poll – it asked for the FAVORITE, not what they least liked etc etc, So do what YOU like and it will come through your writing. I like wordless wednesday, its not my favorite, but I like it! And 22 is GREAT!!!!
Comment by EW — March 20, 2012 @ 10:31 am |
Good point about the wording. Thanks for the feedback! Hadn’t thought of it that way!
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 10:34 am |
Someone mentioned silent readers- well, yep, that’s me! I found your blog a couple months ago and it’s “on the list” of daily reads…I didn’t vote because I didn’t feel qualified to do so (I know, I know- silly) and I actually don’t like polls about such things- a favorite? I can’t say. I can say though that I like your blog and I read it! Your posts sometimes make me laugh, sometimes inspire me, give me ideas, make me think, and all that jazz. I like your blog and I think you should write whatever you want- and I will keep readin’ : )
Comment by Christine — March 20, 2012 @ 2:41 pm |
Christine, Thank you so much! Maybe this was a good thing, as I’m getting to hear from my silent readership! So glad you found me and decided to stay!
Comment by abozza — March 20, 2012 @ 4:46 pm |