Well, I’m not answering any questions today, but I am still sharing with you something that I might not normally have shared.
I was looking through my iPhone photos, the other day, because I’m now over 1,000 photos, thanks to some help from Baby Monkey who thinks he is the next Annie Leibovitz.
I came across a photo that I desperately wanted to delete, but then decided not to delete because it might be cool for Tiny to see someday.
When I was pregnant with Monkey Girl, I took a picture of myself every month to show the growth of my belly.
I did the same with Monkey in the Middle and Baby, but, as you can imagine, they were lost with the great computer crash of 2009.
With Tiny, I’ll be honest, it never crossed my mind.
And then I came across this picture and realized a few things:
1. Thank God that kid was 3 weeks early. I don’t think there was any more space in there for him.
2. The last month of pregnancy is exhausting.
3. Boy babies suck the beauty out of you just as much as their girl counterparts do.
4. Perhaps people weren’t as out of line as I thought they were when they asked things like, “Haven’t you had that baby yet?”
5. It doesn’t matter how many monkeys I have (and I will only have 4 for the rest of my life) I will always want more.
6. I loved being pregnant. (This isn’t news…I just remember how much I loved it when I look at this picture, even though this is, apparently, what I look like when I am pregnant.)
7. Pregnancy is a freaking miracle and although I know the science behind it and how it all works, I’m completely amazed (and endlessly grateful), all the time, when it goes right.
8. I’m a very, very lucky woman.
So, here it is.
I’m normally not a sharer of things like belly pics, as I think they are quite personal.
And this could be one of the worst pictures ever taken of me, which is why it made it to Truthful Tuesday, which is about the good, the bad, and the water retention.
However, I’m all covered up here, so I’m going with it.
And that’s the truth.
Awww I think you just look tired. Other than that beautiful! I’m 27 weeks and I feel huge! Congrats on all your monkeys!
Comment by nery — March 13, 2012 @ 7:21 am |
NERY!!! Congratulations! I had no idea! So excited for you!!!

Comment by abozza — March 13, 2012 @ 8:05 am |
Hi Amy – I think it’s amazing how beautiful women look when they’re pregnant. I’m not sure what it is, but I remember my wife talking about the weight and how tired she was and all of that. While I understood what she was talking about, even when she was tired, not wearing any makeup, and in the late stages of her pregnancy, she always looked beautiful. It’s an amazing experience. I’m not sure I’d want to go through it, but I loved being part of her experience.
Comment by ouractsofkindness — March 13, 2012 @ 10:40 am |
I agree, Jeff, and I think I am definitely my own worst critic. Perhaps I look at the picture and, knowing myself, can just see the exhaustion, however, when I see other pregnant women, I’m blown away. I think part of it is knowing the amazing thing that is happening inside them, and it just seems so…magical.
Comment by abozza — March 13, 2012 @ 10:45 am |
I think that’s part of it. There is real truth to the “glow”. I believe there was a different spiritual energy about Jill when she was pregnant. It’s an amazing experience.
I guess as guys, we never get to have the spiritual energy / glow. Maybe when our teams win a championship (LOL).
Comment by ouractsofkindness — March 13, 2012 @ 10:53 am
Ahww -I think you look beautiful! I know it can be hard to share things like that though -but, really there’s is a “glow” about you
Comment by Angela S. — March 13, 2012 @ 11:54 am |
Comment by abozza — March 13, 2012 @ 11:57 am |