My Real Life

January 19, 2012

Observations from the Laundry Room

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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So, I was in the laundry room the other day.

Doing laundry.

As I am doing with almost every waking moment of my life.

As I pulled out, yet another, item from someone’s pocket and put it on the windowsill where I put all my laundry treasures, I thought, “You know, Amy…you should blog about this.  About your laundry treasures.  Because everyone out in the world wide web world has been dying to see what you find in the laundry.  I just know it.”

Thus, this post was born.

Here is the windowsill where I put my laundry treasures.

I line them up and if anyone wants to come and claim them, they are more than welcome to do so.

Otherwise, out they go.

If it meant so little to you that you couldn’t be bothered to remember it was in your pocket when you took off your pants, I’m not hunting you down to tell you I found it.

Item #1:

This came from the pocket of Monkey Girl.

I don’t know why she took it off, but I’m imagining a moment in school, where her teacher said, “Monkey Girl…if that ring is going to continue to distract you, maybe you should take it off.”

Off it went, into the pocket, and out of sight, out of mind.

If memory serves, there will be a million more of these little, adjustable rings to come into my house before she graduates from high school.

One in the trash isn’t going to kill her.

Item #2:

Also from the pockets of Monkey Girl.

Luckily, I pulled this out BEFORE it went through the dryer.

There is always a tube of lip balm on the windowsill in the laundry room.

My girl has gorgeous, Angelina Jolie lips.

If she doesn’t keep them well covered in lip balm, she gets very uncomfortable.

She complains about those lips being too big and we keep telling her that women shoot toxins into their lips to get the look she has naturally.

To that, she just says, “Gross.”

Item #3:

I’m not sure what this was.

I had never seen it before.

I’m not sure whose pockets it came from.

I’m guessing one of the boys.

It made it through the washer and the dryer.

I pulled it out, played with it a little, and tossed it.

Item #4:

Believe it or not, we have a dice collection.

Big dice, small dice, strangely shaped dice, bronze dice, etc.

Found this in the dryer, also.

Added it to the collection.

Item #5:

Um…this came out of my pocket.

So, I put it in my wallet.

Other people’s money goes in my wallet, too.

You do the laundry, you reap the rewards.

Now, there is also this bag in the laundry room.

Do you know what this bag is?

Can you guess?

Unmatched socks.

I have at least one sock to add to the bag every single time I do the laundry.

Then, when the bag is full, I pay Monkey Girl $5 to make any matches she can.

She takes an hour, dumps the bag, and makes matches.

5 matches later, she’s done, and the other hundred mismatched socks go back in the bag.

I don’t want to talk about it.
So, those are my observations from the laundry room.

Don’t worry…I’m not going to make this a regular post.

I think.


  1. I have a laundry basket of unmatched socks, as well as a milk crate, and an ACME plastic shopping bag. I don’t pay anyone to do it though. We sit down, watch a movie & out come the socks. We usually get a TON matched when we do it – (every 3-4 months) & then the milk crate goes back to the bottom of the closet.

    Comment by carla — January 19, 2012 @ 7:59 am | Reply

  2. Ok so can I pay Monkey girl to match the socks in my house? Lol. Seriously. I’ll fly her down here once a month. Oh and might I say how blessed you are not to have found things from REAL MANS pockets. Cuz see here in my land, I get the benefit of a service call to Sears when the washer breaks only to find out it was a Princess sock (understandable) and a DOZEN steel cable ties (like a zip tie but metal and made to title rebar together) stuck in the trap! The repair guy said, “any idea what these are?” I looked, thought long and hard, and replied calmly, “yes, and there’s gonna be a death.” ;0) while I appreciate my husband sharing the load (pun intended) of the mountain of dirt encrusted work clothes that he has from building swimming pools for a living, I have begged, pleaded, and now threatened for the emptying of pockets into a bucket marked “David’s pocket crap.” lol.

    Comment by Heather — January 19, 2012 @ 8:01 am | Reply

  3. The things in my children’s pockets are practically the same thing. Add some Lego’s, lots of erasers and about 10 chapsticks and we are good. My husband on the other hand, has made me a fairly wealthy woman, lol. The change he leaves in every pair of pants goes in a cup (old laundry detergent cap) and I empty every week into a huge water cooler jug. We cashed that jug in a couple weekend ago and we were able to pay for most of his new set of truck tires!! Tired were a little over $800, jug had $501.11 in it. We all had guesses, winner won an ice cream sundae, Dominic won, being off by $50. Oh and the other thing we have a collection of from his pants……foam ear plugs. If anyone needs ear plugs let me know, lol. They are all brand new in plastic. We also have these marble looking sticks coming out in the wash, had to ask WTH these were…..pipe markers. To mark his welding spots, etc. treasures? I’m not sure, but a set of new tires? Worth it.

    Comment by Jen — January 19, 2012 @ 8:36 am | Reply

    • We’ve got the Lego’s, too! Just none this week. Sometimes I think of keeping a Lego bin near the dryer and building something with all the Lego’s I find. 🙂 Rob has a precise routine about emptying his pockets at the end of the day. I think he’s the one person in the house in whose pockets I’ve never found anything! I LOVE the fact that your laundry change bought new tires! Our change jar goes for spending money on vacation. We’ve never had that much, though!!!

      Comment by abozza — January 19, 2012 @ 12:10 pm | Reply

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