My Real Life

November 1, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:40 am

Another few days without power, and it’s beginning to feel almost normal.

I have a feeling that, next time, we all lose power for a few days, there will be less panic and concern, because we are all learning how to do without.

I’m not sure this is a bad thing.

I have a feeling, throughout the state, there were more books being read, more board games being played, more toys getting dusted off as the electronics started to collect the dust for once.

We’re back up and running now and enjoying a second day of from school together.

We’re negotiating the kids trading in their Halloween candy for a game and we’re doing the laundry that didn’t get done this weekend.

So, is it inconvenient to lose power?

You betcha!

Is it the worst thing in the world?

Not so much.

1 Comment »

  1. I can deal with no power, our water stays on, I can scrounge food. But the no heat. Oh, that gets to me. No heat makes me crabby, and less easy going about the no power.

    Comment by Suburban Snapshots — November 2, 2011 @ 9:25 pm | Reply

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