My Real Life

November 30, 2011

What Was Old…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 2:14 pm
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…now is new!

The basement is finally complete, and we are enjoying moving all of the toys and related kids “stuff” back into the basement.

It’s nice to not be tripping over bins and boxes spread throughout the house as we worked on the basement.

I think the best thing about the basement being complete (after being gutted thanks to Hurricane Irene) is that the toys that were packed away during the renovation are now out again, and the kids are acting like they are brand new toys.

Cars that haven’t been played with in years are suddenly the coolest thing ever, and games and trucks that were long left and forgotten are once again basking in the glow of a child’s cherishing.

We’re not completely up and running, yet, but it’s good to know we’re on our way.

And, I think I might start a toy rotation, where I hide a few toys away every few months, then let them make a reappearance, much to the joy of the monkeys.

Feeling great about everything being back in it’s own space, once again!


November 27, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:46 am

One of the features of WordPress is that, although I can’t see who comes to visit the blog, I can see what phrases people typed into search engines that got them here.  I realize that most of the people weren’t actually searching for my blog, but when they searched, they clicked the link and came to visit.

I always get a kick out of the things people searched for and can’t help wondering, sometimes, what exactly they hoped to find.

Some are pretty straightforward:

“Amy Bozza”

I’m guessing that person was looking for me, but I’ve googled myself and there is also an Amy Bozza who participated in a marathon somewhere called Spring Lake, and I’m sure there are many more of us, worldwide, so I won’t be so self-important to assume it was me they were looking for.

“saddle shoes”

Probably looking for some cute shoes and came across last week’s Five Question Friday about what outfit from the past I wish I could wear.

“Eddie Rabbit”

Love that someone typed in “Eddie Rabbit” and they came to my blog.

If he was still alive, he could have googled himself and came here!

Or not.

“monkey amy love”

Hmmm…starts to get interesting here.

A girl named Amy who loves monkeys?

Someone who loves a monkey named Amy?

This blog?

Hard to tell, hard to tell.

“girl smiling with braces and one leg”


Not sure how this led them here, but it’s an interesting thing to search for, nonetheless.

“Alicia Bridges accent”

Love this one, and Erin knows why.

And here are some others that make me giggle, smile and sometimes wonder “What the heck?”

“Pork chops and applesauce, ain’t that swell?”

“Handcuff nurse”

“Zasto va golim”, which is, apparently, Serbian for “Why I Love Him” which, in Serbian has been searched for 3 times to get someone here and 53 times in English.

“Full Diapers”

“I am a glutton for the cane”

“Microwave phrases”

“Took an old thumb”

“Toilets Home Depot”

And, my favorite…

“قلم” (which, apparently, means “fountain pen”)

November 20, 2011

Satellite Radio

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:15 pm

Real Man has Sirius Satellite Radio in his Jeep and I gotta tell ya, I’m hooked.

I enjoy scrolling through all of the channels, but I especially love the channels based on certain decades.  They only go back as far as the ’40’s but I actually spend quite a bit of time listening to that as well as everything on up through the ’90’s.

The thing I enjoy about the decade channels is that they don’t just play the most popular music of the decade.

They play all the music of the decade.

I’m hearing songs that I had completely forgotten about and they make me smile and sing at the top of my lungs.

Okay, any music makes me sing at the top of my lungs, but you get the picture.

You get a much fuller view of the decade by listening to it on satellite radio because it’s all there.

I had forgotten how many songs in the ’80’s had the “talking” in them.

Not rap, per se, but just strange sections where the singers started to talk.


I love it.

So, for now, I’ll leave you with this little ditty by Oran Juice Jones.

Oh yeah, that’s his name.

Anyone remember this one?

(You gotta be in it for the long haul to get to the talking but it is so worth it!)

(And the video is 100% 1980’s.)

November 19, 2011

Another Saturday Night…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:10 pm

…yet, unlike the song, I got lotsa somebody’s.

Four little ones and a big one.

Still, gotta love that song.

As usual, before I even start, I digress…

It was a good day around here.

Lots of family things to get done, and then my colleagues from the school musical came over and (after holding auditions this past week) we cast the play.

It went smoothly and I think everyone left happy.

We finished around dinner time, and I realized I hadn’t planned for dinner.  Had nothing defrosting, and as I looked through the pantry and fridge, I realized that, much like Old Mother Hubbard, our cupboards were bare.

So, since we’ve not been out in awhile, I proposed to Real Man that we treat the kids.

We got in the car and headed to Wendy’s.

We had to make a quick stop on the way there, to pick up some food that I needed to send into church with Monkey Girl tomorrow.

Since Stop-n-Shop was on the way, we stopped there.  I’ve been in there only one other time, and we were only there to pick up a floral arrangement, which we got right at the entrance.

I never actually walked through the store.

Tonight, however, I had to get to the dairy aisle, which took me all the way through the store.

I can’t go back.

Too.  Many.  Things.  For.  Me.  To.  Buy.

Food, books, movies, everything.

I managed to get in and out with just what I went in for.

Well, and a tray of brownies because they just looked so good.

But that’s beside the point.

So, we get to Wendy’s and as soon as we walk in, I’m struck silly because the guy behind the counter is wearing a chic, fancy Burberry type surgical mask.


Real Man and I couldn’t look at each other because we had a case of the giggles (okay, Real Man doesn’t giggle, but you know what I mean).

The scary part was that we weren’t sure if he was afraid of being infected by us or if he was afraid that he was going to infect the food.

The latter, we chose not to think about.

Real Man pointed out that he didn’t wear gloves, so he was clearly afraid of something airborne, but not so worried about handling filthy money all day.

Anyway, we sat down and started to eat.

While we ate, the monkeys chatted away and it was just a nice meal.

I sat facing the window and I could see, reflected in the glass, an older gentleman, sitting alone, a few tables behind us.  He kept turning and looking at us.  Real Man gestured and mentioned it, as well.

Real Man also mentioned that the man was wearing two baseball caps.

One on top of the other.

Didn’t know that baseball caps could be worn in the layered look.

At one point, he got up and actually walked over to the table.

He said, “So, I see you are all eating potatoes.  Do you know where the first potato came from?”

After getting over our “Huh?” moment, the monkeys started trying to think of where the first potato came from.

He finally said “The ground.”

Kids thought it was hilarious, but laughed quiet nervous laughter.

I’ll be honest, I was getting a little nervous myself, but Real Man was there, and I had no doubt that no matter how this went, we were safe.

Then he asked how old the monkeys were and once we told him he nodded and said, “You know, this seems like a really happy family.  Just a happy, happy family.  It’s good to see.”

And he smiled and walked away.

Routine trips out are never boring for our family, so this was just another typical outing for us.

Shopping temptation, people in masks, joke telling, dual-cap wearing strangers approaching.

And a happy, happy family.

November 18, 2011

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 10:29 am

Do you have a go to song that always puts you in a good mood?

As a matter of fact, I do.

I have two.

“Tub Thumping” by Chumbawumba.

You know, “I get knocked down, but I get up again, and you’re never gonna keep me down.”

Love it.

The other one is an oldie, but a goodie and it never fails to get me out of a funk.

“Ooh Child” by the Five Stairsteps.

“Ooh, child…things are gonna get easier. Ooh, child, things’ll get brighter…”

Good stuff.

Are you a real Christmas tree kinda person or do you go with a real fake one?

I’m a faker.

A real tree, while nice and yummy smelling, is just one more thing for me to feed and take care of and it doesn’t smile at me and tell me it loves me, so I don’t love it.

We have a fake tree and I love it.

What are you thankful for?
I’m thankful that I was born in 1972 and not 1872 or 1772, etc.

I’d be dead.

I would have been doomed from the get-go.

I was born with a dysplastic hip, I have asthma, terrible allergies, am legally blind in one eye.

There’s no way I would have made it.

So, thank goodness I was born when I was born so I could survive and have all these wonderful babies, for whom I am eternally grateful!

Which fashion fad from the past do you wish you could wear today?
The poodle skirt with a pair of black and white saddle shoes.

Cute. Cute. Cute.

If you want to go in the WAY past, I also really love the dresses women wore in the middle ages.

Like this:

So pretty.

I’ve always wanted to rock one of those.

Do you wait until the “low fuel” light comes on before you fill up the gas tank?
I do.


Unless Monkey in the Middle has noticed that I’m getting low.

Then, he hounds me until I fill up because he is terrified we’ll run out of gas in the middle of some field somewhere and be left for dead.

You know, because there are all those fields in the Jersey suburbs.

November 14, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:07 pm

Real Man and the Monkeys are Catholic, and in the Catholic church, in second grade, children perform two sacred rites…First Holy Communion and Reconciliation, AKA First Confession.

I think seven is a bit young to be confessing…I mean, let the kids actually accumulate a couple of hearty sins before asking them to confess.

But, I digress.

Anyway, for whatever reason, my kids seem to share extremely guilty consciences. You may remember the story of Monkey Girl in tears, sure that she was going to wind up in Juvie?

Par for the course around here.

So, now it is Monkey in the Middle preparing for his Reconcilliation and he’s completely burdened with anxiety over it.

Now, to be frank, he has more to fess up to than Monkey Girl ever did, but I’ve got some pretty damn good babies over here. Yet, they were completely petrified at the thought of having to confess their “sins.”

I find it interesting that the more “moral” people are, the harder it seems to be for them to discuss their failings, yet, people whose moral compass usually points in its own direction seem to have no problem with talking about their deeds.

Do people become more comfortable with their bad behavior the more they engage in it, and therefore become less embarrassed by it?

If I started doing one “bad” thing a week, would I find myself more and more willing to talk about the ways I was “sinning” as it became a behavioral habit?

Just some questions that popped into my head as we talked about Reconciliation with Monkey in the Middle tonight.

And, as for me, I’ll be watching that ceremony with great interest.

And, believe me, it won’t be the kids who are trembling on the way to the confessional that I’m worrying about.

November 13, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:22 am

Onviously, I’ve had a lag in my writing on the blog, lately.

However, it’s not that I’m having a hard time knowing what to write.

It’s that I seem to have too much.

My brain is awash in thoughts and stories and creative things, and I’m a little stuck on where to begin.

Part of the problem is that there hasn’t been a spare minute in my day to sit down and write.

Parent conferences have kept me late at work and a sick baby has had me with Tiny in my arms, every second I am home.

So, hopefully, soon, I’ll not only have an update for this blog, but also one for my writing blog, as well.

In the meantime, I’m thinking about writing…I am.

And, I’ll be back…soon!

November 1, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:40 am

Another few days without power, and it’s beginning to feel almost normal.

I have a feeling that, next time, we all lose power for a few days, there will be less panic and concern, because we are all learning how to do without.

I’m not sure this is a bad thing.

I have a feeling, throughout the state, there were more books being read, more board games being played, more toys getting dusted off as the electronics started to collect the dust for once.

We’re back up and running now and enjoying a second day of from school together.

We’re negotiating the kids trading in their Halloween candy for a game and we’re doing the laundry that didn’t get done this weekend.

So, is it inconvenient to lose power?

You betcha!

Is it the worst thing in the world?

Not so much.

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