I found this on Gypsy Mama’s blog last night.
She calls it Five Minute Friday.
The rules are simple:
“Got five minutes? Let’s write. Let’s write in shades of real and true and unscripted.
Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.”
Love it.
So, I’m going to try it today, even though it isn’t Friday.
I may start switching it up on Friday’s from now on.
The prompt from yesterday was – “If you met me…”
So, here we go…
If you met me:
-You might easily think I’m unfriendly because I’m not adept at social chit chat. If I have something to say, I say it, but talking for the sake of talking just seems like a waste of words to me. I think this is one of the main reasons why I am often (as my friend, Sharon, says) a very misunderstood person. I’m not unfriendly at all. Ask my friends. I’m just more of an observer of people. My silence isn’t a rejection. It’s simply my taking it in.
If you met me:
-You’d be meeting someone who isn’t perfect. Someone who probably yells too quickly and apologizes too late. Someone who has high expectations and can be easily disappointed, even though she doesn’t show it. Someone who needs it to be done right now and cringes when you say “I’ll get to it later.” Someone who shudders when her kids want to ride bikes because she can teach math and science and social studies and piano and flute and 21st century skills to thousands of children, but cannot muster up the patience (nor does she seem to have the skill) to gently teach her children how to ride.
If you met me:
-Someone who loves with her whole heart because she doesn’t know any other way to love. Someone who, if you become her friend, will be fiercely loyal to you until the day she dies. Someone who is brought to tears, almost daily, by how blessed her children make her feel. Someone who can’t believe she gets to spend her life with her best friend. Someone who knows how incredibly lucky she is to have this life.