On Saturday, the girls came over for Egg Dying party 2011.
It’s a tradition, among us, to dye Easter eggs together.
We don’t get to it every single year, however, this was the 20th anniversary of our egg dying parties.
Yes, when we were 19, we were getting together to dye Easter eggs.
It’s how we roll.
Of course, we let the kids go first.
There was dye and there were stickers and glitter and shrink wraps for the eggs.
Egg dying is serious business with me and the girls.
See how carefully Erin is contemplating her next dye move?
See Kim and Michaela debating the merits of using crayons to further glamourize the eggs?
Yes, egg dying is serious business to the almost 40 crowd.
Yet, in the end, almost 4 dozen eggs were dyed…
…and another round of fantastic memories were made.
(and I got to show off the baby)
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