My Real Life

November 30, 2010

My Little Guy and I

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:14 pm

Don’t really have much to say.

I just love this little guy.

He’s a sweet, little snuggle bunny, and he always makes me laugh.

I hope he always knows how special he is to us.

He’s a great example of how to love.

He always says “I love you” completely unprompted, and at random times.

He comes out of nowhere, just for a hug and a kiss.

So, today I post a picture of me and my little guy.

Just because.

Because that’s how I think love should be.

You can’t really help it.

It’s just there.

Just because.

November 29, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:14 pm

So, my 20th high school reunion was this past Saturday night.

20th reunion.

I’m not afraid to say it.

I know a lot of people were weirded out by the fact that we graduated from high school 20 years ago, but I gotta tell you, the more space I can put between myself and high school, the better.

20 years, I embrace you.

I think I am a much, much stronger, wiser, smarter, better person than I was 20 years ago.

So, 20 years is no problem for me.

Also, looking around the room, I gotta say, we haven’t really aged that much.

Yes, we were all a little grayer, a little wider, a little wrinklier, a little slower, but for the most part, we all look the same.

I do wonder if that is a matter of perspective.

I wonder if everyone goes to their 20th reunion and says, “Wow…we all look awesome!” because no matter how old you get, when you look at these people, you will see them as a blend of what they were in high school and what they are today.

Behaviors hadn’t changed that much either.

As in high school, I kinda kept to myself, chatted with the people I knew, and people-watched the rest.

I’ve never been much of a social butterfly, but I love to watch others interact.

And interact they did.

High school also seems to be a pretty good predictor of the future.

Yes, some people made some drastic changes, but, for the most part, people turned out to be who I thought they’d turn out to be.

Maybe it’s just me that’s a really good predictor of the future.

I don’t know.

However, I had a fantastic time catching up with people and watching everyone.

There really is something to be said for reunions.

It made me feel good to see everyone, back together, just for awhile.

While I would never, ever in a million years want to go back and relive high school, the older, wiser me certainly did enjoy the little bit of high school that was brought back on Saturday night.

November 26, 2010

5 Question Friday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:14 am

Pulling from the My Little Life blog that I like to visit, it is once again, 5 Question Friday.

This weeks questions are all about Thanksgiving.

1. What is your favorite part of a Thanksgiving meal?
The mashed potatoes.  I’m such a ridiculous fan of anything that is made with potatoes.  I love them so much.  I love them with butter or with gravy or even plain.  I love them.  I love them.  I love them.

2. Are you a host or a guest for Thanksgiving this year?
We were guests at my parents house this year.  We alternate holidays with my parents and Real Man’s dad and this year, Thanksgiving was with my parents.  Very quiet, very low-key.  Very, very relaxing!

3. When you think of one Thanksgiving tradition, what comes to mind?
Food.  I know, how lame, but seriously, Thanksgiving means food to me.  Lots and lots of food.  And potatoes.

4. You have two pieces of pie in front of you and you HAVE to eat one…do you choose pumpkin or pecan?
I’ve never actually had pecan pie, so I’ll have to go with pumpkin, however, the truth is probably closer to neither.  My favorite type of pie is cherry.  So good.  Sooooooo good.

5. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?
I’ve never actually made it out on Black Friday.  The truth is that I usually have my shopping done by now.  I was going to head out today, because there are two more things that we are thinking of getting for the older monkeys for their February birthdays, but the deals aren’t that great and I don’t feel like being jostled around in the crowds.  I was reading articles this morning about people who got in the lines at 4 am and then swarmed the stores and left with shopping carts overflowing with stuff.  Kinda made me think about over-saturating kids at the holidays and wondering just how much “stuff” do kids need, anyway?  Helped me to make my decision to stay home.
So, that’s this week’s 5 Question Friday.  If you have your own blog, feel free to use the questions on your own blog today!

November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:46 pm

…from our family to yours!

November 24, 2010

How the Monkeys Spent the Afternoon

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:31 pm

The day before Thanksgiving is always a half day of school here in northern Jersey.

No homework over the short break.

Just four and a half days of play time.

So, when the monkeys and I got home, it was time to have fun.

We played some games, and then they played doctor on me, as although my cold is better, I’ve still got the Demi Moore voice thing going on.

The prescription they gave me, after the “check-up” was to take some “Old People Tylenol.”

Hmmm…old people Tylenol, huh?

Thanks, guys.

Anyway, then they decided they wanted to go outside.

So, they went out and started to “rake.”

Then, they decided to play on the deck.

And, oh boy, did they play.

They took every single outside toy they had and set up a pirate ship.

They called their ship:

In case you can’t read that…it’s “The Pirates Booty.”

Oh, Lord.

They set up stations for attacking the enemy and came up with an entire backstory for who they were and where they were sailing and why.

They played out there for hours.

Most importantly, they played nicely together for hours.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow might bring.

November 22, 2010


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 5:28 pm

So, Real Man and I have realized that we have about three months left to come up with a name for the baby.

Actually, we probably have more like two and a half months.

So, the baby naming discussions have begun.

The only downside of not finding out the sex ahead of time is having to come up with two name possibilities instead of one.

So, we’re working on it.

We have, as you can imagine, included the monkeys in the discussion.

They have been…how shall I say…not incredibly helpful.

Okay, that’s not exactly true.

Monkey Girl has come up with some names that she likes, however, they are all for baby girls.

The boys have also made suggestions.


Monkey in the Middle suggested Sprinkle Cookie and figured it could work for a boy or a girl.

Baby Monkey suggested Batman Baby, and if it is a girl, Batman Girl Baby.

When you suggest any name to Baby Monkey, he says “No way Jose are we naming the baby that!”

It’s pretty darn cute.

Of course, at this rate, this baby will have no name.

Or, we could go with… here, imagine me whistling and drawing the number “7” in the air.

Seinfeld, anyone?  Anyone?

Anywho…it’ll come, probably in the eleventh hour, but it’ll come.

In the meantime, the monkeys have nicknamed it “Peanut” and it’s working for now.

November 20, 2010

Girl’s Day Out for Harry Potter

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 5:03 pm

So, Monkey Girl and I had a day at the movies, today.

We went to see Harry Potter.

We’re Harry Potter buddies, she and me.

We loved the movie.

I had a thought, midway through.

Why isn’t there a Team Harry and a Team Ron?

I mean, I realize they aren’t vying for the heart of Hermione, nor are the Harry Potter books a love story.

But still…isn’t that what we do?

Pick sides?

Or, is it not cool to pick sides when both of the contenders are friends?

I digress.

We loved the movie.

Then, we hit the library.

We picked such classics as “Walter the Farting Dog.”

Our sophistication is sometimes just too much to handle.

It was a good day with my girl.

Ah, it’s always a good day with my girl.

November 19, 2010

Baby Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:30 pm

So, I figure, every now and then, I should give you a baby update, even though nothing is really happening, except for the baby cooking away in there.

This is what I look like today:

I almost didn’t post this, because as I downloaded it to the computer, I noticed that my butt looks almost as big as my belly.

I immediately hopped up to check it out.

Nothing to fear.

Baggy jeans…that’s all.


Because, let me tell you, I don’t need to be expanding anywhere else.  So far, I seem to be all baby, and I mean ALL baby.  I’m huge.  24 weeks and 25 pounds up from where I was back in June.  Heck, 25 pounds up from where I was in August.  So, I’ll keep the expanding to the belly if I can.

Anyway, vanity aside, things are going well.

Apparently I’m carrying low, as this is what every person who crosses my path tells me.

Apparently, this means I’m having a boy, and apparently, it is not up for discussion.

I had forgotten how quickly the experts come out of the woodwork when you are pregnant.  They know what you are having and when you are having it and you can’t tell them any differently.

So, I just smile and nod and say “Oh, well, we’ll see!”

They are watching me for placenta previa, so I’m being careful.  I’ll find out in late December how things are going there.  I’m not thinking about it until then.  Wait to worry is my motto.

Baby is measuring large, but is looking fantastic and healthy and strong.

Just heard the heartbeat again yesterday and loving that little PacMan “wokka, wokka, wokka, wokka” sounding heartbeat.

So, basically, the baby update is that things are good. 🙂

November 16, 2010

The Morning Travels of Baby Monkey

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:28 am

Yesterday, our bed.


The flash of the camera woke them, which was fine because I was looking for him because he needed to get up anyway.

Wonder where he’ll be tomorrow!

November 15, 2010

Monday Morning

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:49 am

Real Man and I woke up this morning to this sight in between us, in our bed.

Makes a Monday morning much more bearable.

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