Today I share my secret shame.
See those clothes?
And these?
They are all clean.
In fact, they’ve been clean for a few days now.
I just can’t seem to fold them and put them away.
I can keep a beautifully clean house.
I’ll dust, I’ll vacuum, I’ll pick up.
I’ll even wash the clothes and dry them.
Yet, when it comes to putting them away, I’m like a petulant five-year old, stomping my foot and saying “I won’t, I won’t, I won’t!”
I don’t know why I have this mental block when it comes to laundry.
I can’t even use my full-time job as an excuse because, here it is, summer, and I have all the time in the world to be doing the laundry, and…well…you’ve seen the photos.
I know people say, “Oh, I wish I had a maid,” or “I’d give my right arm for a nanny!”
I just want a washer-woman.
Heck, forget the washer woman.
I just need a putter-awayer-woman.
Or man.
I’m not picky.
I generally spend a week moving the clean pile from my bed to the hassock, bed, hassock, digging through each morning when I need undies or clean jeans. Finally when my husband dumps it all onto the floor in frustration, I pick off the dust bunnies, fold it and put it away. I envy your tidy baskets.
Comment by Brenna — July 20, 2010 @ 8:56 pm |
Glad I am not the only one who does this.
With me I will fold the cleaned laundry on my kitchen table & they will sit there for a least 2 days. Thank goodness, my family doesn’t mine eating at the bar.
Comment by Cindy — July 21, 2010 @ 10:38 am |
I am quite the opposite. I could do laundry constantly and love it. It is the rest of the up keep on a house that I don’t want to do! I guess it goes without saying that I have been called weird more than once in my life.
ktsmama – FV
Comment by Robbin — July 21, 2010 @ 2:11 pm |