Every year, to celebrate the 4th of July, our town holds “Family Day.”
Because so many people travel for the holiday, they have begun to hold it the weekend before.
So, when Real Man and I returned from the Mets game on Saturday, we all piled into the car and headed to the local park for Family Day.
There are bouncy castles, rock climbing walls, a train which is nothing more than a few seats attached to a motorized thing that looks like a train.
The boys love the train.
They talk about it all year.
They are SO easy to please.
Excuse the blurry picture. That little train moves fast!
Note Monkey in the Middle with his arm around Baby Monkey to ensure he doesn’t fall out.
Love it.
As it got dark, the band began to play and we rocked out to a few songs, as we waited for the fireworks.
And then they began.
Every year, we say that the fireworks were the best show ever.
This year, though, we mean it.
You know a good firework display when you can feel it booming in your chest.
When you need to shield your eyes from the brightness.
When you keep thinking it’s over, but it keeps going.
The fireworks were awesome.
They were truly incredible.
I don’t know how anyone could have failed to be impressed.
I feel the same way. The best fireworks you actually feel, and you think this must be the finale but they keep going.
Even though my 2 boys are old enough to want to bring girlfiends, we still go as a family every year! Enjoy, it goes by soooo fast!
Comment by SHELLIE — June 28, 2010 @ 11:51 am |
Great pictures! Especially that last one
Can’t wait for next weekend..the food, the fun, and the FIREWORKS! I love 4th of July!
Comment by Erin — June 28, 2010 @ 1:27 pm |
Love that the town has created this tradition.
Comment by 6512 and growing — June 28, 2010 @ 11:38 pm |