…I have a secret.
I just took a shower.
Okay, the shower itself is not a secret.
I bathe.
I do.
However, after getting off the treadmill, I took a 30 minute shower.
Yeah, yeah, water conservation, etc.
I’m a mother of three.
And I got a 30 minute shower.
I left the door unlocked so I wouldn’t have to step out to unlock it, as I do with every other shower.
But, no one came in.
I didn’t have to referee a single fight from the shower.
Nor did I have to remind someone to wipe the seat or compliment their poop wiping abilities from my hot water haven.
No one came in to ask me where anything was.
No one came to ask if they could have a snack.
No one came to sit on the other side of the shower curtain to do shadow puppets.
No one came in to sit and chat, “just cuz.”
I bathed, I shaved, I deep conditioned my hair!
I even sang a little, albeit quietly so I wouldn’t be discovered.
I’m keeping this precious 30 minute experience a secret from the monkeys because I think they honestly believe I’m lonely when I’m in the shower, and that their presence in the bathroom while I bathe is a good deed.
“Poor, lonely Mommy,” they think. “She must miss us so much while she’s in that bathroom alone. We best keep her company.”
So, to preserve their tender little psyches, I won’t tell them about my 30 minutes alone.
But, I might see if, next time, I can stretch it to 35.
I thought my 10 minute showers were luxurious, that sounds like mother’s day for girls!
Comment by 6512 and growing — June 20, 2010 @ 6:38 pm |