My Real Life

February 16, 2010

Movie Review: The Lightning Thief

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 3:26 pm
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So, I surprised Monkey Girl, on Sunday, with a trip to see The Lightning Thief movie.

I asked her to come with me to ShopRite and she grudgingly agreed.

She had her nose in a book in the backseat, and didn’t really pay attention to where we were going, so when we pulled into the theater parking lot, I said, ‘Oh no…I must have made a wrong turn.”

She looked up and a slow smile spread on her face and she said, “Mommy…why are we here?”

I said, ‘Wrong turn, but I guess we could stay and see The Lightning Thief!”

Needless to say, she was thrilled.

We had read the book together, and had been very excited for the movie to come out.

Here is our (combined) review:

The movie was great.  Really, it was.

However, it wasn’t like the book at all.

Main characters were left out.

Adventures were different.

Certain relationships were very different.

Still, a great movie.

We were disappointed because as we read the book, we talked about how we imagined various scenes would go in the movie, but they weren’t all there.

I’m not sure why, except for perhaps in the interests of time.  The truth is, the book would have made a fabulous movie, as it was.

Perhaps they changed it to appeal to a bit of a broader audience.

Not sure.

Still, loved the book, loved the movie.

We’re reading the second in the series, “The Sea of Monsters” now, and are on pins and needles waiting to see how they are possibly going to do that in movie form since they left out many important things in the first one that lead to the second.

If you’ve got the money, spend it on a ticket.  It’s a good time. 🙂

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