My Real Life

February 13, 2010

Can’t Believe They Fit

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:45 am

So, as I’ve mentioned before, the name of the show we’re doing this year is “Back to the ’80’s.”  One of the scenes is a prom scene, and so we’re asking staff and parents to go through their closets, and if they have any prom dresses from the ’80’s, to donate them to the show.

I went through my own closets, and found three prom dresses.

I didn’t actually think I still had them, but my mother must have brought them over at one point.

I thought it might be funny to see how ridiculous I looked in these dresses that I wore as a teenager, and see just how poorly they fit me today, and so I started a little fashion show.

I started with my senior prom dress.

Purple, off the shoulder.  Not quite sure what I was thinking when I bought it.


It fit!

Now, I was excited!

This was the prom dress I wore when I was a sophomore and went to the junior prom with my boyfriend at the time.

Tee-hee!  It fit, too!

I was 15 when I bought this dress.

(At this point, I want to mention that I completely realize my own vanity in this post.  However, I can’t seem to stop myself.  I was very excited by this turn of events.)

This dress, I don’t remember.

I’m pretty sure I wore it to a fraternity formal in college, because it wasn’t a high school dress.

I’m not really surprised that this one fit, because in college I was the queen of eating a full dinner (two helpings) at the dining hall, then going back to my room and around 8, having a pizza delivered and eating the whole thing by myself.

I like my food, and in college, I indulged freely.

But, still, that was just about 20 years ago.

And it fit! 🙂

I was wishing I could try on the dress I wore to the junior prom, my junior year, when I went with Real Man, however, that dress was Michaela’s and I gave it back after the prom.  If I still had it, I might have worn it tonight when we go out to dinner for Valentine’s Day.  Okay, I wouldn’t.  But, it’s fun to think that I might have been able to!

So, that’s it.

No deeper meaning in this post.

No cute stories about monkeys (except for the fact that Baby Monkey decided to be my “date” in the pictures, and kept kissing my hand like I was a princess) in this post.

Just me and my ego.

Almost not enough room for the both of us in those pictures, huh?


  1. Love the purple one! You look maaaahvelous. Seriously, the dresses look great on you.

    Comment by Alicia Bozza — February 13, 2010 @ 12:47 pm | Reply

  2. Can’t wait to dig through my closet at my mom’s to find you more! I know my nieces have been enjoying them (plus many bridesmaid dresses).

    Comment by michaelapotter — February 13, 2010 @ 5:39 pm | Reply

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