Real Man’s company holds a Halloween parade every year for the children of employees. The kids are invited in, they parade around the lobby while everyone watches from the floors above, and then the kids go to the different floors and trick or treat. Everyone has candy for the kids and it just is a nice way for the parents who work there to get to bring their kids to work for a little while.
So, yesterday was that parade.
Since I teach at the middle school level, I get out of school quite a bit earlier than the monkeys. So, after work, I went and picked them up early, came home, situated everyone with their costume and then off we went.
We had to wait in the lobby for Real Man to come downstairs and the monkeys were spellbound by the large fountain.
Then, the parade began. Now, picking the big monkeys up is no big deal, however, it means Baby Monkey doesn’t get his nap. As I believe I’ve shown through previous posts…that little guy needs a nap, even when he thinks he doesn’t.
So, Baby Monkey’s actions said, “Parade Schmarade.”
Check out this grumpy puss.
Then, he’s got to turn away because he knows that I’m going to try to make him laugh.
Now, he has to elongate his cheeks because he’s about to smile and really, REALLY wants to be a badass, grumpy monkey Superman.
In the end, Real Man took them all around and proudly introduced them to everyone who works with him. Real Man’s brother also works there, and the monkeys thought it was AWESOME to see their uncle at their daddy’s work. For me, it was just a nice treat to get to see Real Man in the middle of the day.
When it was over, the monkeys and I drove home, and the trading began. It’s our Halloween tradition and I’m sure it’s the tradition for all of your kids, as well.
“I don’t like this…do you want it?”
“Sure…then you can have this.”
They trade for hours. They trade every night for a month after Halloween, and although I’ve never actually marked and tracked the candy, I’m pretty sure everyone winds up with the candy they originally brought home in the first place.
It’s such an exciting time of year for kids. Halloween is magic and fantasy and pretend. It’s everything a child could want, and I love to watch my monkeys enjoy the heck out of it every year. Because really…even a grumpy, badass Superman loves Halloween.
Although he’d never admit it when he hasn’t had a nap.
I just LOVE that grumpy face! Sounds like a blast and I am glad that you got to see Real Man too!
Comment by Debbie — October 30, 2009 @ 5:06 pm |