My adult life has been one long quest. I am searching for something that is elusive. Something that I’m not sure I’ll ever find. Something that I long for. Something that I need to continue on in this life.
I am on the quest for the scariest movie ever.
I want to see a movie that scares me so much I am actually up at night, afraid to fall asleep.
Yes, that sounds strange and sick, but the truth is, I love to be scared. I love haunted houses. Before Baby Monkey started having the seizures, Real Man and I had booked a trip to Salem for our anniversary weekend. I wanted to stay in one of the haunted inns they have. I love scary things.
However, I am consistently disappointed. Sure, some movies are scary, but not scary enough.
As a child, I fell in love with scary movies. Poltergeist created my fear of clowns. The original Halloween is, by far, the most suspenseful film I’ve ever seen and I still yell at the screen “Laurie! He’s sitting up in the closet! Turn around! He’s alive! He’s alive!”
When Real Man and I started dating, we were told that the scariest movie ever made was this movie called “The Last House on the Left.” Guess what? It wasn’t. It wasn’t even a little scary.
Let me clarify…when I say scary, I don’t mean gory. Gore isn’t scary. It’s just fake blood and stuff. That doesn’t scare me, nor does it particularly gross me out. Gratuitous violence isn’t scary either. Scary is suspense. It’s things that could possibly happen. It’s supernatural. It’s…scary.
As an adult, there have been a few that have gotten close. “White Noise” scared the bejesus out of me. It wasn’t a particularly scary film, but the whole idea of the dead speaking through static…creepy. And, maybe possible. That’s what creeped me out.
However, “The Ring” was the closest I’ve ever gotten. Seriously. She climbed out of the well and then through the television screen? That long black hair in her face. Seriously scared me. Lights on that night and for the next few nights after that.
I thought that I might have finally found it, tonight. The movie “Paranormal Activity” has been touted as the scariest film of all time. There were reports that people were leaving in the middle because they were so scared. I think they were leaving because they were so bored. It stunk.
So, tis the season to be scared out of your wits and I’m sitting here quite disappointed. So, I’m asking you to share with me the scariest movies you know. I’ve got Netflix. I’ll rent them all. But I need you to share the titles with me.
Please…help a girl out!
I enjoy being scared in the same way you do! I wish I had some ideas right now but I don’t. If I think of something I’ll let you know. 🙂
Comment by Lisa — October 15, 2009 @ 9:58 am |
The scariest movie I can remember is the old “The Blog” but of course I saw it when I was about 15 years old. I too love scary movies and like you …the suspense is what makes a movie scary.
I thought the Ring was scary and the first Saw movie…I didn’t care for the ones following but the first one was great. Another good one is The Phonebooth. Full of suspense but not so much scary….just a situation where it could happen which that makes it scary in itself. Huh, I will have to ask my son later on if he can remember any that scaried him. 🙂
Comment by Debbie — October 15, 2009 @ 10:15 am |
Amy, you and I are in the saaaaaaaaaame boat! I am looking for a scary movie, not a gory movie. I was so excited to go see Paranormal Activity, I actually almost chickened out! I left there saying to my cousin, “I have seen scarier spiders on Ghost Hunters!”
As for going to Salem, something I have been wanting to do for a long time. As for haunted houses………come visit me sometime. I have stories of things constantly happening here……..just two days ago in fact was my last encounter. Now I am not scared of whatever is in my house, but after this last “episode” I have been sleeping with the TV on all night….no joke. JCP&L is going to make me it’s #1 customer for the month of October.
Now Ghost Hunters is my favorite show, I never miss an episode, I even DVR them so my kids can watch. I go on Ghost Walks or visit haunted restaurants, etc. I even subscribe to Weird NJ and love reading all the freaky stuff that happens around our wonderful, weird state.
You find that movie, you let me know!!!
Comment by Jen — October 15, 2009 @ 5:02 pm |
Debbie…I’m going to guess you meant “The Blob” not “The Blog!” Too funny!!!
Comment by Amy — October 15, 2009 @ 5:09 pm |
I hate scary movies, yet I always get sucked in if The Ring is on – and I think that is one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen. I can’t turn it off! When I was much younger I remember seeing The Exorcist, and that ended up giving me nightmares after everything else I saw – including Ghostbusters and the Muppets Take Manhattan. And after seeing Amityville Horror as a kid, I was certain I saw the red glowing eyes of the ghost pig in the corner of my bedroom at night.
As far as scary moments (not movies) in my life, I recall a time hiding out from burglars in your parents bedroom closet 🙂
Comment by michaelapotter — October 20, 2009 @ 8:01 pm |
I am casting my vote for the Eliza Dushku movie, the name of which escapes me now. Amy, please help me with the title and help me explain why this movie was so freakin scary. I never have watched the end of it, and probably never will, at least alone!
Comment by Dad — October 21, 2009 @ 5:14 pm |
The movie had something to do with the Alphabet I think………….
Comment by Jen — October 21, 2009 @ 5:24 pm |
[…] pregnancy, scary movies, The Ring, West Virginia, Wrong Turn I had two comments to my post about my quest for the scariest movie I’ve ever seen that I wanted to talk about with you, […]
Pingback by Wrong Turn « My Real Life — October 22, 2009 @ 6:59 am |
[…] That post, was actually a follow-up post to the original post which was about my constant quest for the scariest movie imaginable, which is here. […]
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