So, we’ve been doing pretty well here at My Real Life. I’m averaging between 40-70 hits a day with a few days that have gone over 100. So, although I don’t know who is reading, I know that quite a few of you are!
I do get questions, from time to time, about my family and my life. People read the blog and then are curious about other aspects of our lives that I haven’t gotten around to writing about yet. Some people just have general questions about me.
So, this weekend, I’m opening the blog up for questions. If you have a question about myself or the monkeys (or non-personal questions about Real Man), you can e-mail me at I’m going to give everyone until Sunday at noon to get their questions in. Then, I’ll respond on the blog.
I’m excited about this and hopeful that people participate. No question too big or too small.
So, let’s see whatcha got!
I am going to have to think about this one!
Comment by Debbie — September 25, 2009 @ 10:13 am |