One year ago, I came up with twenty wishes for 2013.
They were goals that I hoped to achieve in the year.
Nothing too lofty…all attainable.
Just things that I really, really wanted to do in 2013.
So, I guess it’s time to take stock and see what I did and did not achieve from my list.
1. Take the family to DisneyWorld. We’ve been talking about doing this for quite awhile and just haven’t done it. I want this to be the year.
Didn’t happen.
We started to make plans to go in the fall, and then in July, I was promoted to administration and suddenly, everything changed.
So, this will be on the list for 2014, in the number one position and it is a non-negotiable.
2. Get a playset for the backyard. I want the kids to play outside more, and I know my kids and a playset would definitely do it.
Didn’t happen.
We picked one out, were ready to buy and then found out that our backyard has too much of an incline for a playset to go in without having the ground graded first.
So, that is a huge project and the end result is that neither of these things happened.
3. Get weight down by 9 pounds AND KEEP IT THERE.
Didn’t happen.
In fact, I gained 15 pounds between July and December due to the job change.
Why due to the job change?
Because there is a lot more sitting in administration than there is in teaching.
Tons of work while I’m sitting, but I’m still sitting.
And that’s not good.
4. Incorporate more vegetables into the family diet.
Not by a lot, it happened.
5. Make $1,000 by selling on eBay.
Didn’t happen.
I started out like gangbusters, but just didn’t keep up the momentum.
6. Get blog readership to 200 per day average.
Happened, then lost it.
I was doing great.
So great.
And then I got the new job, which meant longer hours, and a lot of my blogging was done after work but before the kids got home from school.
Now, I get home after the kids do and when they go to bed at night, I crash.
I’m working on a plan to get my writing done because it’s important to me.
7. Make home office neat, organized, and functional.
I bought a writing desk and THAT is neat and organized and functional, but the rest of the office is not.
My plan was to work on the office over the summer, but the new job came the first week in July and it’s a 12 month job, so no summer hours to work on the home office.
8. Read 50 books (and keep track!)
Read some great books and read some doozies, this year, but as of December 27th (when I’m actually writing this) I have read 55 books this year.
Actually, I’ve read a few more than that, because I know there were a few that I didn’t log.
9. Get pictures hung. We’ve been here a year and a half and haven’t hung up our pictures yet. Drives me nuts.
It finishes the house and makes me feel good!
10. Have family photo taken.
Just didn’t get to it.
11. Really go through my closet and be ruthless with getting rid of what I don’t wear.
No, again.
Although, this week, I’ve been starting to take a look at things and go through them.
12. Play piano at least once a week. I teach piano lessons, so I am always at the piano, but I rarely carve out the time to play for myself. I went to college as a vocal and piano performance major and I feel like I’m neglecting that part of myself.
Big yes for the first half of the year and big no for the second half of the year.
13. Only eat out once a week, if at all.
Did well at this.
14. Write in my journal more often. I only wrote in it twice in 2012, so anything would be an improvement! I think keeping the blog up every day takes it’s place, but they have different purposes and I don’t want to neglect my journal writing.
Not even close.
I may have written in my journal a total of three times all year.
15. Really learn about self-publishing to see if it is an option for my novel.
Didn’t happen.
16. Re-edit my novel.
Although, I did join a writer’s group and have been writing for them and I’ve been enjoying that immensely.
So, I haven’t gone back to my novel, but I have been doing some other exciting writing, so I kinda feel like that’s a win.
17. Shred and pare down all of our files.
Had planned for that for summer.
Didn’t happen.
18. Sell the van.
Sold the van and oh, how sweet it is.
19. Take more pictures.
Can you guess?
First half of the year, pictureful.
Second half of the year, pictureless.
20. Spend more time outside.
Yes…even after the new job switch, when I was home, I was outside, with the kids, which is why most of those other things just never got done.
I made a decision that because I wasn’t going to be home as often, when I was going to be home, I was really going to be present, and in that, I believe I really succeeded.
And you know what, I think that this success makes the rest of the failures seem way less important.
Love this idea, Amy! I may have to set a list of personal goals for 2014 like this for myself. Whether or not they all were accomplished, the very fact that you looked back and took stock speaks volumes. Good for you!!!
Comment by Stacey Maisch — December 31, 2013 @ 10:57 am |
Thank you, Stacey!
Comment by Amy — January 3, 2014 @ 4:26 pm |
Looks like you have your list for 2014 almost done
Comment by Sandy — January 2, 2014 @ 3:29 pm |
Absolutely, Sandy! I guess that’s the silver lining of doing so poorly in 2013!
Comment by Amy — January 3, 2014 @ 4:27 pm |
[…] got this idea after reading it on Amy’s Real Life. Thanks for the idea, […]
Pingback by 20 Resolutions for 2014 | From Grind to Whine — January 6, 2014 @ 3:17 pm |
[…] I didn’t do all (or most) of the things on my Twenty Wishes for 2013 list, but I did a lot of things that weren’t on the list and are even […]
Pingback by 42 | My Real Life — January 8, 2014 @ 6:02 am |