My Real Life

February 7, 2010

Entertain Me

I’m going to be having some reconstructive surgery on my sinuses next week, and have been advised that I’ll need to be resting and still for quite a few days afterward.

I’m nervous, but if it stops these sinus infections, it is so worth it!

I have my shelf of books to be read, however, I’ve also been advised that my eyes might get tired more quickly as I heal, and that television might be a better option, particularly because if I need to, I can close my eyes and listen.

So, I’m asking you…what’s the best show on TV that I’m not watching? 

It’s got to be a show that has at least one season on DVD so that I can get it/them from Netflix.

I don’t care about the genre…I’m happy to give anything a try.  I’m not a good rester, so I will need to be distracted from the fact that I’m not doing anything.  So, make it good!

So, please, please, please give me some recommendations of shows with which I should fill my queue!


  1. I have recently become obsessed with Burn Notice. It’s a show about a spy who was kicked out of his “company”, if you will, and how he tries to fight his way back into the company. The show has great characters, plots, and dialogue. I really love it. It makes you think, and there’s action, too! I would totally recommend it! Plus, seasons 1 and 2 are out on DVD.

    Comment by Amy Johnson — February 7, 2010 @ 9:31 am | Reply

  2. The Shield! The entire show is on dvd (ten seasons). You should order it on Netflix. It’s twisted and makes you think because the main character that you end up rooting for is not the traditional good guy.

    Comment by Nichole — February 7, 2010 @ 12:58 pm | Reply

  3. Definitely: Chuck. Seasons 1 and 2 are out on DVD. Entertainment, suspense, spies, computers, fun and quirky characters… Season 3 is on nbc on mondays at 8. I really love Chuck, which I actually discovered in French on a local station here ( I live near Montreal)and have graduated to season 3 in english this January.

    Comment by Karina — February 7, 2010 @ 2:25 pm | Reply

  4. Gotta go with Battlestart Gallactica. It keeps your brain engaged because you never know where it’s going to go. You have to like science fiction.

    Comment by julie ramseyer — February 7, 2010 @ 7:07 pm | Reply

  5. I’m with Julie – Battlestar rocks. And it’s even better watching the shows back to back. Once we got caught up to the actual series, it was painful watching it on TV (especially with the delays between). Sadly, it’s no longer on, but I’m now getting addicted to it’s prequel – Caprica.

    Comment by Michaela Potter — February 9, 2010 @ 5:00 pm | Reply

  6. […] under: Uncategorized — abozza @ 7:07 pm Tags: Netflix You may remember that a few days ago, I asked for recommendations for television shows that you think I should watch as I recover from my sinus surgery next […]

    Pingback by My Real Life — February 12, 2010 @ 7:07 pm | Reply

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