My Real Life

February 14, 2022

What was I Thinking?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

As I mentioned in my previous posts, it’s been a hot second since I last blogged.

When I came back here, I had a few things to clean up on my dashboard, and while I was in there, I saw that I had about 25 drafts of posts in my draft folder.

That was a surprise. Even in the old days, I usually don’t start writing something (something blog post sized, at least) if I’m not going to have time to finish writing it. I know myself…I need to finish when I start or it’s not happening.

Yet, here was some evidence that sometimes I don’t, in fact, finish what I start, and I was intrigued. I started to open the drafts, one at a time, eager too see what was on my mind those many years ago.

Some of the posts were partially written. For example, on New Year’s Eve, 2013, I started a post called “Things I Learned From the Walking Dead.” The obvious first question is, why was I writing a blog post on New Year’s Eve? Why wasn’t I out at a party? Oh yeah…2013. 2 year old, 7 year old, 9 year old, 12 year old. Got it.

Anyway, here’s what I had so far:

On Christmas night, Real Man and I finally took everyone’s advice and  started watching The Walking Dead on Netflix.

Why we waited so long, I’ll never know, because it is awesome.

We were hooked right from episode one, and the benefit of watching on Netflix is that we could binge watch our way through, stopping only when we realized we had better get some sleep because work was beckoning in a few, short hours.

Much like the virus that has zombies overrunning the United States, The Walking Dead has infected my brain and I find myself thinking about it much more than anyone should think about any television show.

Some of my ponderings are storyline related, but sometimes, I find myself thinking about what I have learned by watching the show.

Because the lessons are vast.

1.  If it seems like a zombie apocalypse is imminent, I am getting myself to the ENT and having some high-powered hearing aids made, because, apparently, zombies are sneaky squirrels.

People will be having a conversation right in the middle of the street and then, BAM, zombie right behind them.

See, I always thought that zombies walked around consistently making “Uuuuuuuuggggghhhhh” and “Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh” noises, but apparently, that was a misconception.

Occasionally they will let out a sound or two, particularly when they are running or feasting on a particularly tasty human, but for the most part, they shuffle quietly about the town, minding their own business, until some sound catches their attention.

2.  I need to create a stockpile of antibiotics.

Who knew there were so many ways to get hurt in a post-apocalyptic world?

We definitely need some more first aid kits, but those first aid kits aren’t going to do us a world of good if we don’t have antibiotics to fight infection, and with my accident-prone daughter, we are going to need them.

3.  If I’m not right next to Real Man when the zombie apocalypse begins, I really shouldn’t just assume that he’s dead until I see his body or his zombified corpse stumbling toward me.

Because, people, bad things happen when you assume your spouse is dead in the apocalypse.

Okay, so, I think I stand by that post, except for the fact that I stopped watching about three seasons ago. I loved it while I loved it, but at some point, I found I couldn’t stay awake any more when it was on. But, I’ll carry those lessons with me, just in case.

Some posts were less well formed, like “Random Thoughts” on August 13, 2012. For that post, all I had written was “Alec Baldwin and George Carlin.”


Most were just titles, though, and I am left wondering what I was planning on saying in them.

On August 24, 2011, I titled a post “Me and My iPad…A Love Story” and then I didn’t write anything. What was that about? I’m assuming that is when I first got an iPad and I used it solely for myself. Before the monkeys got their grubby little paws on it and filled it with kid games and took up all my memory so even my Kindle and Nook apps couldn’t hold any ebooks.

Ahhh…those were the days.

I had to chuckle at a post titled “Anniversary” which was aptly posted on October 3, 2011; our 13th anniversary. All I had written for that post was “In case you’ve forgotten…” Perhaps a reminder for Real Man? (Who, in fairness, has NEVER forgotten anything since we were 16 years old and first met) Perhaps a reminder for myself???

But, what were my “Random Thoughts” on August 13, 2012? And who was “Plotting” what on December 20, 2010? On June 30, 2011, what exactly was the “Conversation with My Boy?” and which boy was it? (We’ve got some choices over here.) Why was I “Deconstructing Mother’s Day?” on May 9, 2011?

The drafts folder was a wonderful glimpse at my episodes of “bloggus interruptus.”

Over all the years of the blog, I’ve shared more of my life than is probably normal, and yet, I’m completely consumed with wondering what the intentions of those posts were. I was going to delete them all, but decided it’s more fun to keep them. Because maybe one of these days, something will happen here that I want to blog about and “Stick a Fork in Me…I’m Done” will be the perfect title for that post.

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