My Real Life

December 29, 2011

Spelling it Out

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:45 am

There is just something about the age at which kids learn to read.

We’re in the midst of it with Baby Monkey and I had forgotten how much fun it can be.

He’s a little behind in the whole “learning to read” thing, as his attitude is that school is all about playing with his friends and he don’t need no fancy learnin’.

However, despite his best efforts to the contrary, he’s learning.

And now, everything is about spelling.

I am no longer “Mom.”

I am “M-O-M” and RealMan is “D-A-D.”

He tries to spell everything.

When dinner is over, he proclaims himself “D-U-N, done!”

Of course, when dinner begins, he says things like “Tuna Noodle Casserole???  Come to papa!”

But, that’s a post for another day.

The magic of reading is the fact that it opens up the world for you and creates such a sense of independence.

When you can read, you become a little less reliant on those around you, and everything is a little less of a puzzle.

It makes you feel like a big kid.

And so, Baby Monkey learns to read and becomes a little less of a baby, and while I celebrate his latest achievement, my heart aches a bit as he takes one more step away from needing his M-o-m.

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