My Real Life

March 1, 2010

Never Alone

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:12 am
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I thought I had done it.

I thought that the monkeys were occupied with something else, and wouldn’t notice that I was going to go to the bathroom.

I thought that, for once, I might be allowed to take care of business like an adult.


In private.

Then, it was so quiet, that after I was done, I sat on the edge of the tub, for just a moment.

Listening to the silence.

Then, I saw it.

Reminding me that I am never alone.

And what a wonderful way to be!

(Baby Monkey was kind enough to do a reinactment for me, so that I could snap a picture, because…well, let’s just say that my camera comes with me almost everywhere, but not quite.)

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