My Real Life

May 13, 2010

I’m Hooked

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:06 pm

Yes, I did it.

I took the plunge.

I bought myself a Nook.

I had been putting aside some money for either a Kindle or a Nook, and then when I received a Barnes and Noble gift card for Mother’s Day, that settled the question of which one I would buy and when I would buy it.

So, I bought the Nook.


I am completely a crazy book reader to begin with, and really didn’t think I could read more than I already do.

My friend, Kim, told me that when she got her Kindle, one of the benefits was that she read more.

Pishaw, I thought.

Guess what?

She was right.

Having a book so…available…is just so…FREAKING AWESOME!

I still love the feel of a book.

I still love the smell of a book.

I still love to hold a book in my hand.


When I was nervous about having a second baby, because how could I ever love another child as much as I loved Monkey Girl, people told me that your heart doesn’t divide, but it multiplies.

They were right.

And strangely, it applies to books and e-readers as well.

Ah, sweet love.

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