My Real Life

January 17, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 5:21 pm

Oh yeah, I’m nesting.

Nesting like Big Bird.

Nesting like a pterodactyl.

With the whole possibility of a January baby looming, Real Man spent the weekend moving around the furniture in the bedrooms.

Used to be that everyone had their own room.

A luxury we no longer have space for.

So, Monkey Girl had the biggest room.  We took both boys and moved them into her room.

Then, we moved Monkey Girl into Monkey in the Middle’s room (which was her old room before Baby Monkey came along, and we never got around to changing the wall color from lavender, so she’s back in the girl colored room…not that I hold to boy/girl colors, but you know what I mean).

Peanut’s room, (which used to be Baby Monkey’s room) is now empty, until we get the crib back from my parents basement and until Real Man brings up the changing table.

Today, my Mom came over and switched around all the clothes in the closets and helped me organize the toys.

She was a lifesaver.

We ended up with 5 grocery bags full of trash and broken toys and two bedrooms in perfect order and another bedroom completely empty, ready to be filled with baby goodness.

Not to worry…I supervised everything from random beds.  My bed, Monkey in the Middle’s bed, Baby Monkey’s bed, Monkey Girl’s bed.  I took the whole “bedrest” to heart.  After all, they didn’t say I had to stay in MY bed.  Just A bed.

Feeling so much better about things now.

Like, now I can have the baby and not worry about anything.


September 14, 2009

Paring Down

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:48 am
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In the fall, I always feel the desire to settle in, to nest, to fill my cheeks with nuts in preparation for the long winter ahead.  Okay, perhaps not the last one, but you get the gist.

I’m usually pretty good at fighting the urge, but it’s tough sometimes.  It’s the law of nature to stock up and settle in as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder.

This year, I’ve decided to not only fight the urge, but to take myself in the opposite direction.  Instead of padding my nest, I’m going to purge my home.

Now, I’m a decluttering fanatic, so the truth is, we don’t have a lot of “stuff.”  I don’t really do knick-knacks, and I’m not a collector of things.  I thrive on organization and neatness.  I had toyed, for some time, with becoming a professional organizer.  Obviously, I didn’t.  Still think about it from time to time, however.

So, given this paucity of junk, what am I going to purge?

I’m starting here.


If you know me, you know that this is normally the last place I’d purge.  Books are breath to me.  There is nothing like the written word.  Holding a book.  Smelling a book.  Getting lost in a book.  Ahhh…

So, for me to start my purge here is a pretty big deal.

However, I started to think that many of my books are just decorations.  I read them.  I loved them.  But, I’m probably not going to read them again.  At least not many of the books on these bookshelves.

I have a few authors who I have collected over the years.  James Patterson.  John Sandford.  Jeffrey Deaver.  (Hmmm…they all start with the letter “J.”  Maybe there’s something to that.)

Anyway, I have all of their books.  Many of them are signed.  But, truth be told, while I loved them when I read them, I’m not going to read them again.  So, why do I keep them?

Now, these books…

books 004

…these books, I will (and already have) read over and over.  These are books that touched me in one way or another, outside of the story.  So, these I will keep.  I’ll refill the shelves with these.

I’ve already listed the James Pattersons on eBay.  The Sandfords are next and then the Deavers.   I’ve loved all those series because I love the main characters.  Patterson writes about Alex Cross.  Sandford writes about Lucas Davenport and Deaver writes about Lincoln Rhyme.  Great main characters.  Really. 

However, I’ll wait for their next ones to come out and then I’ll borrow them from the library.  Because, again, I’ll read them, I’ll love them, and then I’ll put them on the shelf to never be read again.

Maybe you want to think about an autumn purge yourself.  Take a look around.  Do you love it all?  Do you need it all?  Will you use all of it again?  If not, perhaps it’s time to let some of it go.  After all, you can’t take it with you.

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