My Real Life

November 4, 2010

Being a Little Brother

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 11:39 am

None of us have school today, and so Monkey in the Middle asked if he could invite his friend, Zach, over.

We said sure, and so Zach is here today from 10-3.

Monkey in the Middle and Zach are good boys and play really nicely together, so it’s always a nice day when he’s here.

Baby Monkey, however, I think is more excited than Monkey in the Middle.

It’s his chance to “hang with the big boys.”

Real Man and I try to distract him and engage him in other things so the big guys can have their fun, but he just wants to be with them.


Where they go, he follows.

What they play, he wants to play.

Luckily, Zach is the second of four children, so he understands both being the little brother and having a little sibling.

After some initial, “Baby Monkey has the cooties” stuff, they are now playing happily in Monkey in the Middle’s room, making the biggest train track that ever existed.

Baby Monkey keeps coming down and checking on the rest of us, because that’s his thing, but then he goes right back upstairs to be one of the guys.

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