My Real Life

April 7, 2012

All You Need is Time

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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All you need is love?

No, John…all you need is time.

This is my kitchen:

For every piece of paper I throw away, 17 more appear.

The amount of paper and crap my children bring into the house every single day is mind-boggling.

And, I don’t keep it!

I look at it and toss it.  We hang up tests and quizzes for a week, and then they meet their maker, as well.

Heck, I’m even the heartless mother who only keeps kids art work if it has a hand print, foot print, or photo of the kid on it.

There’s just so much.

See the paper bag on the island chair?

Last week, I decided I would do an experiment and see how much stuff was coming home with the kids in a week.

That was my second bag for last week.

Two full grocery bags of papers and “stuff” in a week.


I love organization and toyed with becoming a professional organizer at one point (I know…looking at that picture, no one would believe it) and so I have the tools down.

I have a small basket for mail, and I toss junk mail as soon as it comes in.

I have memory bins for all of the keepsake things that do come home.

We have a place on the invisible inside of the cabinets where I hang school schedules and lunch menus.

And still, this is what my kitchen looks like during a work week.

Now, I realize I am a full-time working mother of four.

I’m not looking for perfection.

But this drives me insane.

Something’s gotta give, and I fear, before long, it will be my sanity.

What I really need, though, is time.

That’s the struggle I have with the kitchen.

There isn’t enough time.

I love my kitchen.  It is absolutely the hub of our home.

However, it is absolutely the hub of our home.

Things get dropped on a counter, left on the table, stuck in a bin, set on a chair.

And then, eventually, pushed into a pile until I have a good two hours to do something in the kitchen other than cook, monitor homework, stop a baby from slamming his fingers in the cabinets, make appointments and phone calls, update the calendar, etc.

Two hours.

And the kitchen looks like this:


Time is all you need.

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