My Real Life

January 31, 2023

Theme Songs

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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As I fall asleep at night, I binge watch/sleep through a variety of shows that I have loved in the past.

Following a story helps my brain not perseverate on whatever it is that I’m currently experiencing anxiety about, and having it be a storyline that I already know allows me to not have to focus fully, and drift off to sleep.

The only problem is, as I rewatch these shows, I am 100% positive that the theme songs are different.

The first time I noticed it was when I was rewatching Gilmore Girls.

Season One was definitely good ole’ Carole King, but then, suddenly, in later seasons, I swear the song was different.

I would flip back and forth between season one and whatever season I was currently on, listening and listening. I couldn’t mark the difference, but I swear it was there.

When I finished Gilmore Girls, I moved onto Friends.

Again, season one was super familiar, but by the time I hit the end of the show, I felt like it had undergone quite a few iterations.

And it was driving me crazy.

I couldn’t decide if I was really hearing it or if I had just forgotten how it sounded, way back when.

Flipping between seasons, like the eye doctor showing different lenses, “One? Or two? One? Or two?” I couldn’t distinguish between them, but again, I just knew they were different.

I’m currently falling asleep to Sex and the City.

And rather than fast fowarding through the intro, I have been paying close attention.

And I’m telling you…it is not the same as it was when I watched that show on tv.

And it’s not the same from season to season. It’s just not.

You probably think I’m crazy for obsessing about this. After all, the whole point of bingeing these shows is so I don’t have to think about them.

And, yes, I finally googled it.

It’s a thing. Producers don’t want to spend the money on the licensing of the song for streaming.

However, every article I find says that Gilmore Girls never changed their theme song from start to finish to streaming.

Yes, Gilmore Girls. Yes. You. Did.

It’s subtle. It’s barely noticeable. But you did, and I’m not crazy.

April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 40?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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…because when you’ve been friends as long as we have, you are always 8 years old when you are together.


January 14, 2012

My New Obsession

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am
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I. Love. Words. With. Friends.

I love it.

I do.

And I’m not even particularly good at it.

I currently have 16 games going on.



For those who are unfamiliar with the game, it’s Scrabble, but you play online.

The game can take minutes, hours, days or weeks, as most participants (like me) have to go about their daily lives in the midst of playing.

My “active” time is early morning and late night.  I get as much WWF in as I can during those times.

Because it’s fun.

Real Man started playing, also, and I love playing against him.

We both love playing Scrabble together, but don’t get a lot of time to sit down together with the actual board.

This is an excellent solution.

Despite the name, you don’t actually have to play with friends.

You can start a game with random people, as well.

Could save your life.

Don’t believe me?

Read this.

The monkeys like to make suggestions for “words.”

The quote marks are due to the fact that most of the words that Monkey in the Middle suggests aren’t actual words, but really great efforts to get me as many points as possible.

Words like “JZXQ.”

God, I wish that was a word.

So, I suggest Words With Friends for anyone who likes to play Scrabble or just likes to exercise their brain.

It is absolutely addicting, but a healthy addiction…if there is such a thing.

June 11, 2010

Long Lost Friend

Filed under: Wordless Wednesday — Amy @ 9:16 pm
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So, on Facebook, my friend, Sharon, told me about a blog she thought I should check out.

Now, first, since we all know about Facebook “friends” let me share that Sharon is actually a friend of mine. 

Not a random person that I’ve friended, in order to ensure that I have lots and lots of people to share my business with.

That would just be silly.

That’s what this blog is for.

I kid, I kid.

Anyway, Sharon and I work together, and we talked a bit about the blog today at work, and she said I should really check it out.

I trust Sharon’s judgement.

Sharon is much like me.

We don’t do drama.

We tell it like it is.

We love our families and love the kids we are entrusted to teach.

We’re pretty awesome, me and Sharon.

But, I digress.

The point was, I trust her judgement.

So, I checked out the blog.

I think this blogger is my long lost friend.

We love iCarly, She loves iCarly.

She sometimes does a Wordless Wednesday post, I sometimes do a Wordless Wednesday post.

I wake up with three kids in my bed most mornings, she wakes up with three kids in her bed most mornings.

She’s very funny, I’m very funny.

Okay, that one is a matter of perspective.

Anyway, check out her blog.

I enjoyed it and I think you will, too!

Bringing Up Burns

March 21, 2010

Thought for the Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 2:41 pm

First of all, my deepest apologies for my absence this past week.

It was a week of working late and crashing early.

However, I’m back, and better than ever.

I’m totally refreshed after my weekend with the girls, and have SO much to share.

However, as I’m on my way out the door to perform in a concert, I will leave you with this thought for the day, and will let the updating begin tomorrow.

Enjoy your beautiful Sunday!

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