My Real Life

September 5, 2011

Summers End

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:18 am

What I’ll Miss:

Kisses On Demand

Sweaty little heads running in for a snack or four

Coming across mid-day snoozers curled up together on the couch

Inhaling baby goodness anytime I want

The possibility of going to the pool

Daylight until 8

What I Look Forward To:

After-school chatter about their days

After-school walks in the crisp, autumn air


Bonding with my new students and becoming immersed in the world of the teenager, once again

Hot meals on cool evenings

My tv shows coming back!


I’m ready for fall.

I know people say Spring brings with it the promise of new things, but for me, Fall is the time of family and home and hearth and good things.

Bring it on!

September 3, 2010

End of Summer

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 4:29 pm

The end of summer just kinda snuck up on me.

I had big plans for this summer.

I wanted to get the kids to the pool every day.

I wanted to take them on day trips to Sesame Place and Hershey Park and Great Adventure.

I had big plans.

Then, the morning sickness hit, and I get the all day kind, and while I am never going to complain about being sick while a miracle is happening inside me, and I do mean a true miracle, it meant that the majority of the summer plans were sacked.

My kids spent the summer listening to their Mom tossing her cookies at the slightest smell or even thought of something remotely gross.

Or even not really gross, but enough to push my tender tummy over the edge.

But you know what?

They didn’t complain.

Not once.

They made the best of what they were handed.

They played in the sprinkler.

They used the hose to “wash the van” more times than I can count.

They swung on the swingset.

They put on plays and made forts and did dances.

They created indoor picnics.

They didn’t even seem to notice that they weren’t having the same summer as everyone else.

They just lived and enjoyed life and were totally enthusiastic about every day.

I can’t even begin to explain to you how much I love these children and how very grateful I am, every single day of my life, that they are mine.

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