My Real Life

March 8, 2011

Due Date

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 11:35 am

So, today is the day that Tiny Monkey (I’m trying this out as his blog name for now) was due.

I’m so glad he came early.

Not because I was tired of being pregnant, which I wasn’t.

But, because I can’t imagine the past few weeks without him in our lives.

This morning, I was dropping Monkey Girl and Baby Monkey at school (Monkey in the Middle had a fever yesterday and needs to be 24-hours fever-free before returning to school) and I started to cry.

Not postpartum, hormonal tears.

Tears of wonder and tears of joy.

I looked in the rear-view mirror and listened to the excited chatter and realized that the four kids behind me were all mine.


Mother of four.

Could I seriously be lucky enough to have these four babies?

Did Real Man and I really make these sweet little beings?

As a family of 5, we were awesome and happy.

Who knew that being a family of 6 would be even better?

Tiny Monkey has completely completed this crew, and, I love that, like his Mommy, he wanted to be early (I hate being late) and we got to spend a few extra weeks with him.

May not seem like much over the course of his entire lifetime, but believe me, every second is precious.

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