My Real Life

March 4, 2012

The Cow Says Woof

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We like books.

It’s a simple fact.

And so, we spend an enormous amount of time reading books, whether we are 40, 11, 8, 6 or 1.

Our hope for the books we read to our 1 year old is that they might help him make some kind of contextual sense of the world around him.

That they might help him learn.

So, imagine my disappointment when I opened up this book to share with Tiny.

I’ll admit…I didn’t actually browse through it when I bought it.

It said both “John Deere” and “ABC” on the cover.

Around here, either one of those terms makes a book golden.

Saturday night was the first night that Tiny was going to bed without being nursed to sleep.

It was time, and although I wasn’t ready, I thought he might be.

However, I wasn’t just going to dump him in his crib.

We started the ritual we have with the other monkeys, which is books, songs, then bed.

I picked this book out of his bookcase, as we hadn’t cracked the cover on this one yet.

We sat in his rocker and I opened and began to read.

First page went by just fine.

He was pointing at things, I was reading, there was learning going on.

(Okay, in MY mind, there was learning going on.)

Then we turned the page.


Okay…I can get on board with that picture to describe the word.

However, while I realize this is a book manufactured by John Deere who has a product to sell, my guess is that the majority of children who will read this book will not make the connection between the letter “G” and this farm machine.

Yes, it happens to be called a “Gator” but, really?  There was nothing else on a farm that started with the letter “G”?

Like, maybe a Gate?

We moved on.

I was somewhat stopped by the picture of “Ice Cream” on the opposite page, but I let it go.

Not really farming terminology, but my Grandma grew up on a farm, and I visited many times as a kid.

There WAS ice cream.

So, okay.

However, the next page made me pause, once again.

I see a barn AND a silo, and if I’m a little one, I’m focusing on the bigger part of the picture which ain’t the silo.

They couldn’t just put a picture of a lone silo in there?

Would that have been so difficult?

Here’s the one that really got me going, though.



You can barely see the udder!

That girl is barely a A-cup.

I’m not sure how this is a picture of an Udder.

I think we all know who will be to blame when hundreds of kids go to nursery school, and when asked “What sound does this animal make?” call out “Squirt! Squirt!”

It was udder-ly ridiculous.

I’m sorry.

So sorry.

I couldn’t resist.

Finally, we came to “X.”

It was at this point that I realized the author, (and I use that term in the loosest sense of the word), wasn’t even trying.

It even took me a minute to figure out that it wasn’t the row of doors that was important in the picture.

It was the design of the “X” ON the door that mattered.


Lessons learned:

1.  Look at the pictures in a picture book before you buy it.

2.  Forget the whole novel writing gig.  Apparently anyone can publish a picture book of ABC’s.

3.  Tiny is only 1.  He probably wasn’t going to learn anything from that book anyway, so I should just calm down and not have an udder about it.

December 26, 2009

Real Friend

You remember my friend, Kim, from my posts about my best friends from childhood.

She lives in the city, but was in town for the holiday, staying with her parents for a few days.

She stopped by today to see us and it was SO good to see her.

The monkeys were super excited to have her come and they kept asking “Is it 11:30 yet?  Is she here yet?”

Then she arrived, full of life, full of fun.

I miss her.

She played race cars with the kids, let Baby Monkey give her the grand tour of the newly finished bathroom, checked out Monkey Girl’s new American Girl Doll, and chatted with Real Man and I.

She also brought a gift for the kids.

Her best friend from college has had a tough adulthood, full of illness and sadness.  However, nothing stops her or keeps her down.  She has a beautiful family that consists of herself, her husband, and two wonderful little boys.

Every night, before the boys would go to sleep, Kerry would tell the boys stories about their stuffed animals, Lambie and Nightbear.  I don’t remember how the whole situation occurred, but at some point, she was put in contact with someone from Pottery Barn, and they were looking for a children’s book to sell during the holidays, and she wrote down her story, her husband illustrated it and a children’s book was born.

This is just such a wonderful thing to happen to a woman who has suffered so much.

The book is called “Nightbear and Lambie” and here it is:

You can order it here:

It is an adorable story.

Our copy is inscribed: “Sweet Dreams to the Bozza Monkeys”

Gotta love that!

It has also inpsired me to get going again with the writing, or at least with the marketing of what I have already written.  She wasn’t even looking for this to happen, and boom…there it was.  Imagine what can happen with a little effort. 🙂

So, it was a great visit with Kim, and I can’t wait until we can get together again.

I’m thinking of  girl’s weekend in the city.

The monkeys are thinking that Kim needs to come here for a sleepover.

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