My Real Life

July 16, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:39 pm

I used to love my Saturday morning cartoons.

My kids don’t really understand the whole “Saturday morning” part.

“Why could you only watch them on Saturday mornings?”

Which, of course, leads to the whole “only 5 channels” discussion and that blows their mind.

Now, don’t get me wrong…I think there are a lot of great cartoons out there, but because there are so many channels dedicated to cartoons, there is also a lot of crap.

But then, who determines it is crap?

Because, one of my favorite cartoons was “The New Schmoo.”

In fact, I call Tiny Monkey “Schmoo” all the time.


Beats me.

Not familiar with “The New Schmoo?”

Here are the opening credits.

What were some of your favorite cartoons as a kid?

I’d love this to be an interactive post…always interested in what others enjoy!

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