My Real Life

April 30, 2010

Baseball Fan

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:28 am

Baby Monkey loves baseball.

We go to Monkey in the Middle’s games and he is just transfixed by the action.


March 27, 2010

Play Ball!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:40 am
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I know, I know… how completely un-American of me.

However, I do.

I hate it.

Perhaps it is leftover from my childhood.

My Dad LOVES the Cleveland Indians, having grown up in northern Ohio, and also just loves baseball, in general.

In my home, we had one telvision, and Dad got to choose what was on.

In the Spring and Summer, it was usually baseball.

People who grew up in the tri-State area, I’m sure, can relate to the sounds of Channel 11 baseball.

That particular song, “Da daaaa, da da da dum, da da da, da daaaaa, da da da dum, da da da…”

I fell asleep on the couch to the sounds of many a televised Yankees game.

It’s just slow and boring, to me.

Of all sports, it’s the one that I just don’t care about in the least bit.

Too much waiting.

I’m an action girl.

However, while I hate baseball, I love Monkey in the Middle.

So, when he says he wants to play ball, I watch baseball.

Yesterday was his first practice.

No surprise at all, he was great!

Yes, he insisted on the fluorescent mitt.

It was adorable.

Baby Monkey and Monkey Girl seem to feel the same way about baseball as I do.

They spent their time climbing on the bleachers.

But, not me.

I watched and gave thumbs up and clapped and for the first time, didn’t hate baseball quite so much.

Of course, it’s early in the season.

(Just a reminder…please go to my book excerpt on Amazon, dowload (for free), read, and leave a review!  Thanks!)

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