My Real Life

February 5, 2012

Babbling or Brilliance?

Filed under: Posts with Video — Amy @ 6:00 am
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Okay, okay…I realize it’s probably just baby babbling that sounds like a sentence.

Like when Monkey Girl was a few months old and Real Man said “I love you” while changing her and she replied “Love you!”

Or, she replied “Uh Ooh” and as first time parents, we were sure she was speaking real words to her Daddy.

Or, she was a genius.


On Tuesday, Tiny was sick and was grumpy for most of the day.

He hadn’t napped more than a half hour at his sitters, and napped for only a few minutes in the car on the way to the doctor.

By bedtime, he was a grumpy mess.

So, I decided to text Helena, his amazing sitter, a “night-night” video message.

I held up my phone, prompted him to say “night-night,” thinking he would wave his arm at her like he does when he says goodbye, or hello, or night-night, or stop it, or that’s funny, or hey, that’s my toy, or anything else he wants to say excitedly.

Instead, apparently, he told her he wanted to go to bed.



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