My Real Life

May 24, 2013

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:00 am

1. Do you wake before the alarm or stay in bed until the last possible second?

Depends on the day and how long it took Tiny to fall asleep the night before.

Normally, I am up before the alarm, and then when it goes off, I ask Real Man to hit snooze and give me just five more minutes.


2. Who should get a baby shower? Is it just the first baby or all babies?

I think it’s just for the first baby.

This coming from a mother of four who gave away all of her baby stuff after baby two and had to start all over again for number three.

And then she gave away all of her baby stuff again and had to start all over again for number four.

But I still felt like a shower is only for the first baby.

A baby shower is to help Mom and Dad get the things that they need to bring that baby home.

After that, you’ve got the stuff.

If you pull and Amy and give it all away…then that’s on you.

But people shouldn’t have to keep buying you the same things over and over and over just because you decide to keep having babies.

3. How will you spend Memorial Day?

Hopefully reading, writing, and playing with Real Man and the kids.

I don’t really like to do anything on holidays that fall on a Monday because I have to go back to work the next day.



But that’s how I roll.

4. Do you have a Storm/Hurricane/Tornado/Fire plan for your kids, house..?

We have a meeting place in case we need to get out of the house and the kids know to get to the basement if there is a hurricane/bad storm/tornado.

It makes me sad and a little scared that we’ve had to live through a few of these and that’s how we got to the plans, but I guess that’s life.

However, the kids are all too little, still, to have a “If we are separated and a tornado occurs, here is how to contact each other,” which is the exact plan we need in all of the tornado nightmares I have.

Maybe tonight I’ll dream up a solution to that one.

5. What is your favorite morning drink?

Orange juice.

A nice, tall, cold glass of OJ.

But it’s too high in sugar.

So, decaf green tea, at my writing table, looking out the window.

I know, I know…it didn’t ask for my favorite morning drinking location, but sometimes…I overshare.

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