My Real Life

February 1, 2013

Five Question Friday and Our Contest Winner!

Filed under: Contest,Five Question Friday — Amy @ 7:45 am

1. What is your favorite book to read with your kids?

I Love You Forever.

If you haven’t read this book, you may not wish to do so.

It makes me cry and cry and cry, but it is such a realistic story about the love that many mothers and children have for each other.

I know it’s how I feel about mine, even when they are driving me bonkers.

I also love A Fly Went By.

We laugh and laugh and say all the words together.

Great book.

I’ve actually read this one twice when invited in to the kids classes to read.
2. After having kids, what body part has changed the most?

My skin.

There seems to be much more of it on my stomach than there ever was.

Note: This wasn’t after having Monkey Girl, Monkey in the Middle or Baby Monkey.

Tiny seemed to make my skin just throw in the towel and say, “I give up.”

3. Would you ever go back to college? What would you study?

I’ve been back twice since my bachelors and have a Masters in Social Studies Education and a Masters in Educational Administration.

If I were to go back again, I would get my Doctorate in Educational Technology.

It’s such an exciting world we live in within the world of Ed Tech.

After that, if I went back for a fourth time, it would be for fun.

I’d study writing or literature.

4. How do you close a phone call? Bye, bye bye or other?

Hmmm…usually with a “Bye!” or a “Thank you!  Bye!” depending on with whom I’m speaking.

My grandma and my college roommate, DeeDee, always close with “MmmmBye,” which is one word.

I remember the first time DeeDee did it, when I called her the summer before college, and I was a bit taken back because it was like being on the phone with my Grandma, who had been dead for a few years.

5. What is the one food that will always be your “cheat food” on a diet?

Chocolate and bagels.

Not together.

Every now and then, I just feel like I need chocolate, particularly when I have a migraine.

And, every Sunday, I have a bagel.

With butter.

And it’s delicious.


…and now…onto the contest!

So, in order to make sure that no one had multiple entries, because we had a few people who commented twice, and I want to be on the up and up, here, I’ve listed our entrants in order, below.

1.  Carla

2.  Alicia

3.  Rachel

4.  Daniel

5.  Sandi

6.  Jeff

7.  Heather

8.  Darlene

9.  Veronica

10.  Mary Anne

11.  Allison

12.  Michelle

13.  Nichole

14.  Debbie

15.  Jamie

16.  Jenny

17.  Amy

18.  Stacey

19.  Eve

20.  Jen

21.  Kim

22.  Krista

I used the “Random Number Generator” at and here are our results:

The winner is:

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:18

Powered by RANDOM.ORG


Stacey, your gift card is on it’s way, and readers, please take the time to head over to Stacey’s blog: From Grind to Whine.  She’s a wonderful writer and we go way back to high school and youth group.  If I’m not mistaken, I think my Dad even married her!  (No worries, she’s not my Step-Mother…my Dad is a minister.)

Thank you so much to everyone who entered, everyone who commented, everyone who reads this blog!


  1. And thank you for writing it! I look forward to it every morning.

    Comment by Mary Anne — February 1, 2013 @ 10:19 am | Reply

    • Thanks, Mary Anne! I so appreciate it!

      Comment by abozza — February 1, 2013 @ 7:27 pm | Reply

  2. I love “Love You Forever,” too. But the one that makes me cry like that is “The Giving Tree.” I simply can’t get through it without tears, but I love reading it time and time again.

    And WOW!! I knew Feb. 1st would be a “things are looking up” kind of day! I’m so excited to be a winner! And thank you so much for the nice words. Your dad did, in fact, marry me….to Ron. 🙂 Made me laugh, though!

    Comment by Stacey Maisch — February 1, 2013 @ 11:01 am | Reply

  3. Congrats Stacey and “Love You Forever” is my ultimate favorite book as well. I cry EVERY TIME I read it!

    Comment by Debbie — February 1, 2013 @ 11:14 am | Reply

  4. Love You Forever is my all-time favorite for the kids. DJ always loved when the watch went into the toilet & we would giggle away. (Olivia thought the whole book was just silly & just didn’t ever quite get why that woman would climb thru the window.) I have 2 copies and plan to give them to each of the kids when they start their own families (in case it ever goes out of print – I am prepared).

    Comment by Carla — February 3, 2013 @ 11:58 am | Reply

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