My Real Life

August 19, 2011

Five Question Friday

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 9:56 am

1. Do you close the bathroom door when you are home alone?

This question assumes that I am ever home alone.

Which I am not.



But, yes, I do shut the door in my everlasting battle against potty radar.

Potty radar?  What’s this, you ask?

It means the minute my patootie hits the seat, someone needs something.


And they are right on the other side of the door, knocking, banging, crying, whining, calling for my undivided attention, despite my pleas of “Just a minute!!!  I’m a little busy in here!”

So, I always shut and lock the door, but still, they come.
2. You have to walk around with a word on your forehead. That word describes you. One word. What is it?

One word to describe me?

I’d hesitate to describe anyone with just one word.

And yes, this is my way of getting out of this question.
3. What store do you refuse to shop at and why?

Abercrombie and Fitch.

Any company that won’t hire teenage kids because they don’t “fit the look” doesn’t fly with me.
4. If you participated in arranged marriages for your child(ren), who would you choose for your child(ren)?

Uh…weird question.

My kids are little…hard to imagine (don’t want to imagine) them leaving me and getting married, but if I had to choose, at this point…

Monkey Girl – no one.  She stays with me.

Monkey in the Middle – His friend, Mia, from school.  She is an awesome, sweet girl and she makes me laugh.  She’s a pip and I want him with someone who is full of life, like her.  I want him to be challenged with a wife…someone who makes him think and laugh and really live.

Baby Monkey – Erin’s daughter, Madeline.  Char-ac-ter.  He’s a goof, she’s a goof…what a house of laughter that one would be.

Tiny Monkey – Seems like all of my friends who are currently having babies are having girls.  He’s got a plethora to choose from and plenty of time to do so…time will tell.

Again, tough question…they are too little for me to really think about it.
5. If you could pick how and when you would die, would you?


I think I’d just say when I’m really old.

In my sleep.

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