My Real Life

February 14, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 12:02 pm

One of the things we say about Monkey in the Middle is that he is someone who feels every emotion more deeply than anyone else.

It’s why he can go from zero to sixty in terms of his anger.

It’s also why he is the biggest snuggle-monkey in the house.

He is me.

When I love, I love deeply and unconditionally and with everything I have.

And today, being Valentine’s Day, is a great reminder of how we should all strive to love with everything we have.

Just walking through the school office, a few minutes ago, there were reminders of how people express their love.

There were at least two bouquets of roses for two teachers, a fruit bouquet for one of our male teachers, and I watched as my friend opened a neat gift from her husband that he sent to school.

In my home, there are reminders of love every day.

Inside jokes and laughter.

Kisses, tickles and touches given on the fly, as we walk by each other.

Laundry and dishes being done without having to be asked.

Valentine’s cupcakes for the kids that Real Man picked up to surprise them for breakfast.

It’s the little things, in our house, that remind us of how much we all love each other.

So, may your Valentine’s Day be filled with both the big and the little reminders of love.

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