My Real Life

January 7, 2011

Five Question Friday!!!

Filed under: Five Question Friday — Amy @ 12:18 pm
1. What is your current favorite book, and why?
Good question.  My favorite book is usually the one I’m reading.  However, in the interests of self–promotion, I’m going to say that my favorite book is The Follow Through.  This book is currently unpublished, but is written by a fantastic author.  Perhaps you’ve heard of her…Amy Bozza?  Oh, let me direct you to her writing web page and you can read a synopsis of the book.  Her site can be found here.  She’s awesome. 🙂

2. Do you go to the dentist regularly?
I try.  I do.  I’m better about getting the kids there every six months, as opposed to getting myself there.  If I go when they go, that’s 4 appointments we need to sit through and there is no one to entertain the kids while I’m in the chair.  However, if I go separately, I need someone to watch the kids so I can go.  Feels ridiculous to get a babysitter so I can go to the dentist.  After the baby is born, I’ll go.  Promise.

3. What is your worst memory from High School?
Hmmm…I don’t know.  Junior High was way worse than high school.  So, I’ll give you the Jr. High memory of walking through the lunchroom and having a group of boys throw little pieces of bread at me because they thought I looked like a duck.  They also quacked while they threw the bread.  And now I teach at that school.  Glutton for punishment, I guess.  Fun memories when I walk through the cafeteria.  Good times.  Good times.

4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life?
Being a good mom.  Not like a cookie-baking, home-home staying, organic, making all my kids clothes good mom, but a mom that helped her kids achieve their full potential, who made her kids feel safe and whose children always knew how very much they were loved.

5. Are you superstitious or do you have any superstitions?
Not really.  My nephews will read this (no they won’t…they are teenagers, they don’t read their aunt’s blog) and say, “Oh, contraire, Aunt Amy.  Perhaps you forget the whole Candyman debacle?”  Yes, yes…when I saw the movie Candyman, I went through a brief period of time (2, 3 years?) where I freaked out if someone said Candyman three times near a mirror.  Why tempt fate?  However, I’m over it.  Candyman.  Candyman.  Candyman.  See.  I’m so brave.


  1. I went through the same Candyman phase!! But *ahem* sometimes when I go into the bathroom and don’t hit the light right away, I’ll flash back to that and freak out. However, if I say “I don’t believe, I don’t believe, I don’t believe” then that will make it not so scary. Hmmm….I guess I was wrong about not having any superstitions.

    Comment by Lorilynne Leath — January 8, 2011 @ 9:48 am | Reply

  2. ………..what about clowns and big dolls………………..

    Comment by Ellinski — January 8, 2011 @ 10:26 am | Reply

    • Those aren’t superstitions. I’m just terrified of them, Mom.

      Comment by abozza — January 8, 2011 @ 1:21 pm | Reply

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